
Crazy Things Mama Said

In 1961, the Shirelles recorded a song titled, “Mama Said.” It was part of their Sing to the Trumpets and Strings album. [The best music in the history of America was recorded in the 1960s when I was in high school. Truth.]

The Shirelles could sing, but they could really move.

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Hillary2020 — She’s In

Nice day in the ATX, y’all. meaning everything is good in Texas except for the weather.

So, your Big Red Car is here with the hot, big news: Hillary Clinton is throwing her hat into the ring and the ring is not going to throw it back.

That’s right. Hillary is in it to win it.

Fooled you once, shame on you. Fooled you twice shame on me. “I’m in, baby!”

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Exclusive Interviews

OK, yesterday the Big Red Car posted an exclusive interview with the Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi. You can read it here.

Nancy Pelosi – an Exclusive Interview

A reader of the female, legal persuasion wrote me a scathing email — I am still blushing at her language, but a blush on a Big Red Car is hard to detect — in which she doubted whether, in fact, the Big Red Car had spoken directly to Madame Speaker.

“You are a bald faced liar,” were her exact words. It is hard to quote a sentence from her email without exposing y’all to profanity. She called me a “rust bucket” which is, unfortunately, true.

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Bernie v Hillary = When Ancient Battled Vintage?

Big Red Car here in the gray hours before the dawn contemplating the spectacle that was the Democrat debate in Milwaukee last night.

The next primary is in South Carolina, so let’s have a debate in…………………………………………..Milwaukee. How about Columbia, Charleston, Greenville, Myrtle Beach? Huh?

The Big Red Car finds it odd that the progressive banner is being fought over by an ancient 74-year old white man and a vintage 69-year old white woman.

Talk about “old wine in new bottle”, eh?

But, there was some interesting observations made which bear acknowledging and commentary.

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Hillary Clinton Emerges From Sniper Fire to Win BIG in Iowa

Big Red Car here on the tail of Hillary Clinton’s HUGE victory in Iowa, a feat that eluded her in 2008.

Now, she has boxed her compass and is headed toward the White House with confidence and certainty. A huge victory!

You go, girl!


Not so fast, Big Red Car. Not so damn fast.

Let’s look at the numbers, please.

May I have the envelope?

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Hillary by a TKO — No, It Was a KO

Big Red Car here on a rainy Saturday morning. Ahhh, we are going to get the big Mexican hurricane shortly and we are going to get a lot of rain.

So Thursday saw Hillary Clinton’s tour-de-force before the House Benghazi committee.

She wrestled them to the ground and made them eat shit. Figuratively speaking, or course.

Who actually ate shit? The American people but who cares about them anyway? Continue reading


Big Red Car Scores Exclusive Interview — Hillary Rodham Clinton

Big Red Car here. Great day in the ATX.

So, Hillary Clinton’s goons see the interview I had with The Donald and called, “We want some of that chili, Big Red Car. You on?”

“Yes, Madame Secretary, I am on!”

I received the 123 page pre-interview “agreement,” signed it, and here we go. Continue reading