
Why This Iran Funded And Authorized Terror Attack Is Different

We are faced with an escalation in the Middle East situation wherein an Iranian backed terror group attacked a US military facility in Jordan (a moderate Sunni Arab country allied with the US) with missiles resulting in 3 KIA and 3 dozen WIA.

President Biden and his crack team are considering how to respond and one of the considerations is a response that is more Iran centric.

Bravo! Continue reading


The Digital Devils Of Davos I

If you were left off the invite list for Davos this year, I can empathize with you. I was invited, but, alas,  I had to babysit my three granddaughters and my jet was in the shop. Again.

Not to fret, Taylor Swift wasn’t invited and she was the Time Person of the Year 2023. So, you’re in good company, mate. BTW, did you know Swiftie was also the Time POY in 2017? Why?

WTF is Davos, Big Red Car?

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Pepsi (And You?) Support The Russian Killing Machine?

I am not a huge commercial boycott supporter as it relates to social media and wokeness, but war is different and this story of Pepsi’s behavior in Russia merits your most thoughtful consideration. I draw no conclusions and challenge you to evaluate the information and decide for yourself.

Ramon Laguarta, Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Board, Pepsico, $28.4MM total compensation 2023

You are an independent thinker, right? Continue reading


CEO Shoptalk: Consistency

If you are a founder or a CEO or both then you are running a complex organism that requires an abundance of skill and character in order to cast off the training wheels and compete in the marketplace, wherein the competition eats companies like yours for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and at the cocktail hour.

It is a hard gig, but it can be made easier by embracing some simple character traits. One of those is consistency. Continue reading


Mexico Plays The United States For A Sucker

Mexican President, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador or AMLO, has decided to play hardball with American President Joe Biden in regard to the debacle on the southern border — you know the border between the sovereign nation of the United States of America and the Consolidated Cartels of Mexico.

Illegal immigrants invade the United States in a coordinated wave managed by the Cartels.

AMLO — in a meeting in Mexico City whereto he summoned the American Secretary of State and the Director of Homeland Security like a couple of neutered chihuahuas — has levied the following demands of the Biden admin to “assist” with the issue of the southern border. Continue reading


Secretary of Defense Lloyd James Austin III – AWOL, MIA, incompetent?

Secretary of Defense Austin had elective prostate cancer surgery in December and failed to notify his chain of command as to his status before or after the event.

Thereafter, he suffered complications — more specifically, a post-operative infection — that necessitated his removal to the intensive care unit at Walter Reed Hospital for more than a week and where he currently resides with the clock still ticking.

This is a big deal because SecDef is a huge responsibility and he is a critical link in the Nuclear Chain of Command.

Continue reading


CEO Shoptalk: Leadership

Leadership at the startup and small company levels is typically something the founder/CEO is doing for the first time in her existence. She is also likely taking the trash out, but this is the nature of small business.

[Pro tip: Relish the chaos and novelty of this experience. Bask in the chaos and learning. Write your Founder Story. Keep a journal. Get regular foot massages. Learn. These will one day be the “good old days” for which you long.] Continue reading