
The C Level Employment Agreement — Managing the At Will Employee Relationship

Big Red Car here.  Nice windy and cool day in the ATX.  Kind of hard to figure what kind of day this is really going to be?  We shall see.  Cloudy with thunderstorms is what the Intellicast man says.  Who really knows, it’s Texas.

So the Big Red Car gets an email — haha, the Big Red Car gets an email — from an Old Sport who asks:

“Hey, Big Red Car, this C Level Employment Agreement stuff is great for a CEO but what about us guys in the cubes?  We ain’t chopped liver, we’re software engineers, SEO experts and the like.  How do we get some diluted CEO love?”

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C Level Employment Agreement — Long Term Incentive Compensation

Big Red Car here.  Bit cloudy yesterday but today promises to be clear and hot.  Oh boy!  Just the right weather for a bit of top down driving, eh?

So we have been chatting about the C Level Employment Agreement, breaking it down into its constituent parts and we’ve been chatting about compensation.

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Duty — odious duty

Big Red Car here.  Been raining cats and dogs here in the ATX.

The Boss was mumbling about planting some hibiscus and mandevilla vines along his big stone walls by the driveway — where your Big Red Car often bivouacs on a rainy night.  [Hey, I like the idea of sharing my bunk with some cute red flowers.  Get it, Big RED Car and big RED flowers?  Haha, Big Red Car, you crack yourself up.]

But, alas, it has been too rainy for The Boss to do any planting, so he’s been watching the NBA tournament.

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C Level Employment Agreement — Short Term Incentive Compensation

Big Red Car here on a decidedly drippy and wet Saturday morning.  Ugh.  Haha, Big Red Car, get your mind right, you say.  This is late May when we get our beloved rains and our lakes fill up.

Alas, the Big Red Car is a very, very, very self-centered Big Red Car and thinks only about those handful of days in which he cannot run wild with his top down and his hair on fire.  Ahhh, it is great to be a Big Red Car.

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