It is the year 2022 and the world is faced with the prospect of a powerful nuclear armed country, Russia, invading its sovereign smaller neighbor, Ukraine, based solely on the complaint that its neighbor does not seek any current or future affiliation with the Communist nation of Russia.
The instigator, the rapist, is the Thug Putin who advances the quaint notion that his desire to be surrounded by friendly nations is sufficient justification for him to rape Ukraine — to unleash a modern army equipped with missiles, cyber weapons, air power, naval power, a massive armored army, infantry, tanks, artillery on a peaceful nation that seeks only to live in peace while sharing a border with Russia.
The world has responded to this with the seriousness of a bad Tinder first date story.
The Evil Intent of Tyrants
The seal of the Commonwealth of Virginia depicts the Roman goddess Virtue prevailing with sword and staff over the defeated tyrant with his chain, whip, and fallen crown. The vanquished tyrant is the British King after the American Revolution.

Sic Semper Tyrannis means “thus always to tyrants.” Continue reading →