
Here comes the cavalry! The Promise

Big Red Car here.  Rainy and gloomy and an altogether typical late May day.  The ATX gets a lot of its rain during the end of May and then we settle in for the long, hot, dry journey through June to August and finally to September and the start of Longhorn football.  Go Horns!

On the eave of Memorial Day, when America celebrates the sacrifice of its war dead who have given the last measure of devotion so that we may live in liberty with freedom, we think about those who have served in the military and who fought America’s wars.

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EstateCreate — London

Big Red Car here.  Well, The Boss is working with several CEOs of startup companies and some small/medium businesses.  He enjoys doing it.

Every once in a while it is worthwhile to do a bit of bragging.  The Boss is very impressed with how the CEO of EstateCreate in London is working his deal and growing his business.

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Mission, mission, mission — quick what is our mission?

Big Red Car here.  Going to be a nice day here in the ATX.  Bit cool this morning but this is one of the best times of the year — cool mornings, delightful warm afternoons.  Enjoy it.  This is why folks live in Texas.  On Earth as it is in Texas, ya’ll.  It’s more than a slogan.

So The Boss is up early this morning to have coffee with one of his CEO friends.  A successful startup entrepreneur and they get to talking about The Boss’s current focus on Vision, Mission, Strategy, Tactics, Objectives, Values, Culture.

I know you’ve seen it here.  I ‘splained the Vision Statement yesterday.  You know, That Vision Thing —  Read about it here. <<< click on link

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