
Product Positioning — May I Please Have A Hard Seltzer?

Somewhere in the dark recesses of your mind is a thought trying to break its way into your consciousness — it is repeating a mantra: Product, Price, Placement, Promotion — maybe joined by: Positioning, People, Packaging. A lot of P’s.

Image it like a Gregorian Chant coming at you like a throbbing headache.

Do you recognize the basics of marketing? Yes you do.








Could there be some overlap in these subjects? Sure, but work with me on this.

Today, we talk about the positioning of a relatively new product — hard seltzer.

Hard seltzer is an emerging product with $295MM in sales last year. It is not yet an important slice of the beer, wine, and spirits market, but it suggests, and illuminates an interesting phenomenon.

You have to position your product for the audience you want to attract and appeal to. Getting out in front of the competition in an emerging market is always a big of all right, no?

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Packaging and Bird Dog Bay — For CEOs Only

Packaging and Bird Dog Bay — bet you didn’t see that coming?

Big Red Car here on the day after the Tarheels’ victory over Kentucky sending them to the Final Four. Final Four, baby! Is this a great country or what?

OK, so the topic for today is PACKAGING — like the Four P’s (Product, Pricing Promotion, Placement).

[Uhhhhh, Big Red Car, “packaging” is not one of the Four P’s. You did notice that, right?]

Sometimes, people can be so damn annoying. Have you noticed that?

As I was saying, packaging is important. It can be the hook between an eye catching product and an impulse buy.


Bird Dog Bay shirt packaged for shipment and as received by The Boss in the ATX. Nice packaging?

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What is Customer Loyalty in the Age of the Internet?

Big Red Car here.  The weather is cloudy in the ATX today.  We are in mourning but I can’t tell you why just yet.  It is a sad, gray day.  Appropriate for mourning.

So The Boss is visiting with a couple of his CEOs and he was giving them an old school definition of customer loyalty.

They liked it — clueless really.  [Haha, Big Red Car, do not be dissing The Boss’s CEOs.  That is both impolite and rude.]

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EstateCreate — London

Big Red Car here.  Well, The Boss is working with several CEOs of startup companies and some small/medium businesses.  He enjoys doing it.

Every once in a while it is worthwhile to do a bit of bragging.  The Boss is very impressed with how the CEO of EstateCreate in London is working his deal and growing his business.

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