
Entrepreneurial anxiety — when panic attacks

Big Red Car here.  Low clouds, warm wind out of the south — going to be a nice hot Texas day before it’s all over.

The Texas heat can be a chore but it’s only June, so it is only going to get hotter.  Haven’t hit 100F for a stretch yet, so we still have a bit of time to go.  Bring it, sayeth the Big Red Car.

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The C Level Employment Agreement — Managing the At Will Employee Relationship

Big Red Car here.  Nice windy and cool day in the ATX.  Kind of hard to figure what kind of day this is really going to be?  We shall see.  Cloudy with thunderstorms is what the Intellicast man says.  Who really knows, it’s Texas.

So the Big Red Car gets an email — haha, the Big Red Car gets an email — from an Old Sport who asks:

“Hey, Big Red Car, this C Level Employment Agreement stuff is great for a CEO but what about us guys in the cubes?  We ain’t chopped liver, we’re software engineers, SEO experts and the like.  How do we get some diluted CEO love?”

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Talking Yourself Down Off the Ledge

Big Red Car here.  Going to be a bit cloudy and gloomy in the ATX today.  Hmmm, it is getting close to Memorial Day, the day of historic Austin, Texas flooding.

You are way too young, Grasshopper, to remember the 1981 Memorial Day floods when Shoal Creek was filled to overflowing with wrecked cars.  Oh, that was a day.

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Fear — where an entrepreneur’s dreams go to die

Big Red Car here.  It’s going to be almost 100F and a bit sunny today in the afternoon.  Hoping to get some top down time this afternoon.

So The Boss is having coffee this morning with one of his CEO clients.  Nice guy.

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EstateCreate — London

Big Red Car here.  Well, The Boss is working with several CEOs of startup companies and some small/medium businesses.  He enjoys doing it.

Every once in a while it is worthwhile to do a bit of bragging.  The Boss is very impressed with how the CEO of EstateCreate in London is working his deal and growing his business.

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Do not piss on my fire

Big Red Car here.  Nice cool morning here in the ATX.  Yesterday I was fibbing about the quality of the day — it was cloudy.  Too much Chamber of Commerce for the Big Red Car, sorry.

So this morning The Boss is out with one of his CEOs talking him down off the ledge.  CEOs allow themselves to get a bit exercised sometimes and need a bit of tough love to get them back into the traces.

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