
Achieving Work Life Balance in a Startup, You CAN Do It

Big Red Car here.  Crisp cool morning in the ATX.  It’s 45F looking for 75F later today.  Ahh, on Earth as it is in Texas, ya’ll.  Perhaps in Heaven as it is in Texas?

So, The Boss is talking to one of his brilliant CEOs and the CEO laments the difficulty of achieving balance in his life and work.  It is a common refrain and The Boss has heard it before and will hear it again, I am sure.  This is not a unique problem.

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Planning, It’s a Tough Discipline

Big Red Car here.  Bit cloudy early this morning in the ATX but it’s going to burn off and be a lovely, warm day.  On Earth as it is in Texas!

Horns won last night v Iowa State and had a tough time of it.  Whew.  Mack Brown might want to start updating his resume.  The Big Red Car supports Mack Brown and wants to remind everyone that the guy saved the Longhorns’ bacon and returned them to prominence.  But then again, what have you done for me recently, right?

Today, The Boss is going to take me to the body shop and get a price to get me repainted.  Ahhh, I think The Boss is up to something.  Hmmm.

I wonder what he’s planning.

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The Wisdom of CEO Coaching

Big Red Car here.  You may have experienced some access issues to The Musings of the Big Red Car in the last day.  This was a hosting issue that is reported to have been corrected.  The Big Red Car is sorry for any inconvenience

So, The Boss is still in Santa Fe and I am still hanging with the house sitter who is turning out to be a very cool chap, indeed.  I am getting a bit of running time that I did not expect but the young man did not know where the freakin’ gas tank fill fitting is located — BEHIND THE BACK LICENSE PLATE, Son.  Behind the freakin’ back license plate.

Anyway, a few calls were made and all is just fine.  I am filled to overflowing with regular — which is pretty damn hard to find these days — and we are on the road again.

The house sitter was wise enough to “consult” with The Boss and get a bit of coaching. Continue reading


Entrepreneurial anxiety — when panic attacks

Big Red Car here.  Low clouds, warm wind out of the south — going to be a nice hot Texas day before it’s all over.

The Texas heat can be a chore but it’s only June, so it is only going to get hotter.  Haven’t hit 100F for a stretch yet, so we still have a bit of time to go.  Bring it, sayeth the Big Red Car.

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Finding your authentic leadership style

Big Red Car here.  Hey, it’s raining early this morning in the ATX.  Well, we like a bit of rain.  Seems like a nice gentle rain falling on our homes and fields and Big Red Cars because I am parked on the freakin’ street, Boss.

OK, OK, I know that I am supposed to keep my place in all things and I will not start trouble but a bit of garage time would be greatly appreciated.

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