
First Draft

Big Red Car here on an early Thursday. Hope you are well. God help the Carolinas.

Much of life is about getting beyond its first draft. A writer develops a first draft subject to a lot of self-editing and then sends it to a professional editor.

That editor will undertake the following Stations of the Cross:

 1. Three developmental edits focused on ensuring the story is really a story and that it contains a theme, a plot, a story arc, interesting characters good and bad, tons of conflict, a conflict resolution and a denouement.

Each time the editor finishes their edit, the writer will revise the piece. It looks like this: “BRC REV after DE 1” meaning this is the BRC’s revision of the editor’s first developmental edit.

 2. When the developmental edits are finished, then the editor will go through a copy edit looking for grammar changes. This is going from a rake to a comb.

 3. When the CE is finished, the editor will make a final proofread.

 4. Happy with the final story, the writer will mark it “FINAL” and send it out to be considered by publishers.

 5. The publisher will likely repeat the entire process — publishers’ editors can be extraordinarily good.

In this manner, the story goes from a lump of wet, unformed clay to a bit of fine, elegant china by iterative edits.

Business planning and running a business can benefit from this mindset.

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Exemplars – Corporate Governance

Big Red Car here safely returned from travels back to the ATX, ahhh, on Earth as it is in Texas! Warm old Texas!

So, the Big Red Car gets a call from a young fledgling company CEO (a compilation of three such calls with the names changed to protect the innocent) who says, “Big Red Car, do you have a good exemplar for a corporate Code of Conduct, a Board Charter, an Audit Committee Charter, a Nominating Committee Charter, and a Compensation Committee Charter?”

“Yes, I do, young fledgling company CEO, but do you know how to Google?” asked your Big Red Car.

“Of course, Big Red Car, my first child is named Google. Why?”

“So, Google and find some good exemplars. I suspect you don’t want to pay your lawyer to draft them for you. Correct?”

“Yes, Big Red Car. I need some corporate governance docs and I don’t want to pay a lawyer to draft them for me. I admit it.”

“Are you intending to just copy from an exemplar?”

“Why, no, Big Red Car, but I would like to see what other companies are using. Is that a crime?”

No, it is not. So, the Big Red Car sends the CEO to the corporate governance page of Dollar General: Corporate Governance.

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CEO Shoptalk – Plan B

“Wow, that plan really sucks. What’s plan B?”

Big Red Car here with a conversation with a couple of CEOs swirling in my head. What got me thinking was my recommendation to “burn the boats” meaning making a total and irrevocable commitment to a plan.

One of the CEOs said, “What’s plan B?”

It was an interesting conversation.

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Horribles — the List of Horribles

Horribles, Big Red Car? What are you talking about? Horribles?

Big Red Car here on a nice Monday, bit of sun and all is well in Austin By God Texas. On Earth as it is in Texas.

When you get finished with Vision, Mission, Strategy, Tactics, Objectives, Values, Culture and when your pitches are pitch perfect (elevator, taxicab, board, onboarding), you have a business engine canvas, a business process graphic, dollar weighted org charts — you are a top 1% CEO.

Now, what do you do?

You create your List of Horribles.

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The Tactical Business Plan

Big Red Car here. Ahh, the ATX, it’s lovely to live in paradise. The Boss is back, so finally it’s back to writing regularly. Hey, Boss, nice to have you back.

So The Boss is involved with Techstars Austin as a Mentor and meets all the teams on Mentor Day or some such thing. Very impressive folks and startups. Continue reading