
Apropos Of Nothing — Idle Musings

There are some days when your mind wanders and you develop no large theme about which to write, but a number of small things accumulate in the recesses of one’s mind.

Here are a few that have solidified in the Big Red Car’s mind:

Putin is a pissant

Putin, a thug overseeing a middling economy on par with Italy’s, is a small man who has a thin, poorly worn veneer of civility holding back an Amazonish flow of despotic behavior. He is a bloody murderer.

Putin in his Siberian Pimp outfit with furry cuffs and hood.

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Sic Semper Tyrannis — Putin, Russian Imperialism, and the Threatened, Impending Rape of Ukraine

It is the year 2022 and the world is faced with the prospect of a powerful nuclear armed country, Russia, invading its sovereign smaller neighbor, Ukraine, based solely on the complaint that its neighbor does not seek any current or future affiliation with the Communist nation of Russia.

The instigator, the rapist, is the Thug Putin who advances the quaint notion that his desire to be surrounded by friendly nations is sufficient justification for him to rape Ukraine — to unleash a modern army equipped with missiles, cyber weapons, air power, naval power, a massive armored army, infantry, tanks, artillery on a peaceful nation that seeks only to live in peace while sharing a border with Russia.

The world has responded to this with the seriousness of a bad Tinder first date story.

The Evil Intent of Tyrants

The seal of the Commonwealth of Virginia depicts the Roman goddess Virtue prevailing with sword and staff over the defeated tyrant with his chain, whip, and fallen crown. The vanquished tyrant is the British King after the American Revolution.

Sic Semper Tyrannis means “thus always to tyrants.” Continue reading


On the Brink of War — Ukraine

The same morons who masterminded the disastrous withdrawal of US personnel and forces from Afghanistan after the US trained and equipped 350,000 man Afghan National Army was routed by 30,000 Taliban are getting ready to involve the United States in another tinderbox potential shooting war situation.

Three masked men discussing the future of Ukraine. “General Milley, have you figured out that whole white rage thing? Is our Army up to speed on its pronouns?”

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Leadership Tone

Leadership is a difficult, broad subject — a constantly evolving, context-dependent, nuanced, and complex issue while being supremely personal and driven by individual style.

Leadership tone

We have spoken before about leadership style, authentic leadership voice, but today I want to speak about leadership tone.

Leadership Style

By “tone” I mean the emphasis or coloration of how the leader’s voice resonates, its intonation, timbre, or temperament, of how the leader speaks and approaches the solving of problems or meeting challenges. Continue reading


Actual Russian Disinformation

The term Russian Disinformation has been bandied about of late with ZERO credibility, so I thought I might take a second and show you a real example of Russian Disinformation.

Comes now the Russian effort to militarize space. Here is the Russian Disinformation:

 1. Russia and Putin have been running around the globe for years decrying the militarization space. Big alligator tears.


 2. They weep that they want to ban the use of space weapons.

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Igor Danchenko — Who Is He?

For the last three and a half years we have been treated to a sexy tale of former British spies, Russian sources, all manner of bad doings by Candidate Trump and then President Trump, allegations of Russian collusion, all types of breathlessly leaked stories by the senior management of the premier law enforcement entity in the galaxy, and a media able to confirm, make up, fabricate all sorts of bad things.

It has been James Bond-esque.

Imagine our surprise to find out last week that the source, the deep Russian source of all of the promised, sworn Russia-based evidence is a Russian emigre who lives in the United States and has forever.

As you may have gathered from the title of his blog post, his name is IGOR DANCHENKO.

Thank God he at least has a Russian name.

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Russia Shuts Down the Internet

Russia announced that it will be conducting a “trial shutdown” of the Internet country-wide. What bad could happen from that, you ask?

Russia explains it will be testing its own homebrew version of the Internet called the “RuNet.” Must have worked with a very powerful branding firm on the naming. Catchy.

The Russians will pull the plug on 1 November.

The first problem they have acknowledged is they are not perfectly certain they know how to shut down the Internet in Russia. They have been working on this idea for more than a decade and they are still not sure they can kill the Internet.

The Russians passed a law back in May that not many folks paid attention to, but the law directed the Roskomnadzor (Russia’s communications oversight agency) to gin up an “internet management and monitoring center to be able to suspend outside internet traffic.”

OK, I think he’s talking about that wacky Word of the Day site. Right?

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The Best Exit Strategies Entail An Actual Exit

The situation in Syria has been FUBAR (fucked up beyond all recognition) since its inception during the Obama admin when we armed parties whose primary merit was that they opposed the evil, cruel, murderous regime of Bashar al-Assad, a second generation murderer who has used poison gas against his own people.

This is the “the enemy of my enemy is my friend, even if they are a little suspect” theory of foreign relations. This is the kind of thinking you get when the leadership has slept through history class and made “D’s” in summer school when they had to take it a second time.

This clown on the right, with the ringmaster from Russia (ever notice what a little shit Putin is), is Bahar al-Assad, who is an eye doctor educated in England. Couple of first rate assholes. [Pardon my profanity.]

You may recall that President Obama courageously “red-lined” Bashar, threatened to retaliate against him if he used chemical weapons. Then President Obama, famously, punked out and did nothing, thereby emboldening Bashar.

Shit, shit, shit, shit. Pardon me. I hate stupid. I hate bullshitters. Shit. I hate poseurs as much as I hate fakirs. Sorry, I’m over it now.

President Trump came into office and did the same thing — threatened Bashar with massive retaliation if he used chemical weapons. President Trump, however, kept his promised threat and struck Syria twice — the first time knocking out an airfield and twenty percent of Syria’s air force, and the second time destroying the headquarters and infrastructure of the Syrian chemical effort.

Well played, President Trump. I like a guy who keeps his promises.

This settled things down a little in Syria. But, we are no longer in the regime change mode.

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