
Martial Law, Mobilization, and Nuclear Madness

Vladimir Putin — a name that will live in the infamous company of Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Mussolini forever — declared martial law in the four faux provinces of Ukraine he annexed. In addition, eight surrounding areas are in a state of “economic mobilization.”

This is as much for Russian public consumption as anything else. He is softening up the Russian public for a sterner step — the declaration of a complete mobilization and an all out war.

He has cast off the fake coat of a “special military operation” and has mobilized his army for a protracted war whilst he continues to play at nuclear brinksmanship.

What does it all mean?

Disney movie baddie Putin struts his little self into a clown show imperial setting to pretend Russia’s economy is not 25% smaller than Italy’s.

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The German Blunder, Chancellor Merkel’s Disaster

In late September 2018 — four years before the Russian invasion of Ukraine — the American President gave a speech, a prescient and foretelling speech, at the United Nations in which he cautioned the German nation not to become dependent upon Russia for its energy needs.

President Donald J Trump in a reflective moment before giving his best foreign policy speech at the United Nations at the high point of his tenure.

In that speech the American President said:

Reliance on a single foreign supplier can leave a nation vulnerable to extortion and intimidation. That is why we congratulate European states, such as Poland, for leading the construction of a Baltic pipeline so that nations are not dependent on Russia to meet their energy needs. Germany will become totally dependent on Russian energy if it does not immediately change course.

He was referring to the completion of NordStream II and the continuing operation of NordStream I.

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Act II, the Russian Despoilment of Ukraine

The Russians and the Puffer Coat Putin’s plan for Act I in the despoilment and depredation of Ukraine did not go according to plan.

 1. The Russian army, a thuggish collection of murderers, rapists, and criminals with vast amounts of weaponry and armor with piss poor leadership and comms failed to drive down from Belarus, shout BOO! at Kyiv, and take the capital and kill the President Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy in the planned 4 days. Stupid Russians. Continue reading


Who Exactly Is The West?

In the current events we are constantly bombarded by the bad acts of Putin and Russia who is being opposed by the WEST?

Who exactly is the WEST?

The other day a pal of mine was cataloging all the countries that make up the WEST. I told him the WEST is not a list of countries.

Ahhh, my dear reader (I said in a particularly obnoxious, condescending voice fueled by cheap Keurig coffee), allow me to explain.

 1. It is an idea, not a specific list of countries. It is not a place one can identify or find using an atlas or on a map. Continue reading


The Structural Disconnection Of Russia From The Civilized World

We are now in the third week of the Russo – Ukrainian War and the west has retaliated against the invading Russians with economic sanctions that are slowly, but surely, disconnecting the nation of Russia from the rest of the civilized world.

Russian tank fire hitting threatening apartment building in Mariupol. Who shoots at apartment buildings? War criminals.

Countries that make war on apartment buildings, kill babies, kill children, kill women and old folks are not civilized. This is medieval, Dark Ages siege behavior and we are cowards for tolerating it.

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Putin Eats At McDonalds No More

OK, Putin doesn’t really eat at McDonalds. I made that up. Fake news.

If he did, I’d pray to the Holy Ghost for him to choke on a chicken nugget and for nobody to know how to deploy the Heimlich Maneuver.

The Holy Ghost will take sides and directly smote evil doers whilst God the Father and Jesus like to stay above the fray. Continue reading