
Talking Yourself Down Off the Ledge

Big Red Car here.  Going to be a bit cloudy and gloomy in the ATX today.  Hmmm, it is getting close to Memorial Day, the day of historic Austin, Texas flooding.

You are way too young, Grasshopper, to remember the 1981 Memorial Day floods when Shoal Creek was filled to overflowing with wrecked cars.  Oh, that was a day.

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Company Culture — Roles

Big Red Car here.  Bit of a gloomer here in the ATX.  Wet and humid.  Looks like rain but it is May and that is when it rains here in the ATX.  So bring on the rains.

Company culture — we’ve been chatting about it.  It is a bit more complex to discuss than just having Taco Tuesday.  But, hey, you knew that already.

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“C” level employment agreement provisions

Big Red Car here.  Nice quiet early morning, let’s me compose my thoughts.  We had a thunderstorm last night and the yard is strewn with twigs and leaves.  Lots of lightning.  Big Red Car loves lightning.  It seems to energize my personality and make me excited.  There is nothing in the world like an excited Big Red Car.  Haha, Big Red Car, you crack yourself up, don’t you?

So The Boss is working with a couple of his CEOs and they are looking for some guidance as to how they should define their relationship with their company — an employment agreement.

In once instance, the CEO is selling his company and is being retained by the new owners.  The new owners want to ensure that the CEO does not wander off and start another company, so they are both wanting to get something done.  And, why the Hell not, Big Red Car?

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Do not piss on my fire

Big Red Car here.  Nice cool morning here in the ATX.  Yesterday I was fibbing about the quality of the day — it was cloudy.  Too much Chamber of Commerce for the Big Red Car, sorry.

So this morning The Boss is out with one of his CEOs talking him down off the ledge.  CEOs allow themselves to get a bit exercised sometimes and need a bit of tough love to get them back into the traces.

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Entrepreneurial confusion and the fog of war

Big Red Car here.  Turning out to be a great day here in the ATX.  Sorry to be always bragging but, Hell, it’s true.  And, you know it, right?

So The Boss gets a phone call from one of his CEO clients — the fellow is feeling a bit of pressure and declares himself to be a bit frazzled.  WTF — frazzled?

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Weaving the Tapestry of Business

Big Red Car here.  Cool night and The Boss is up early this morning.  He loves a Saturday morning.  Pancakes and bacon, perhaps?  Bit of fresh 10W30, please pass the clean air filter?  Haha, Big Red Car, you crack yourself up.

So The Boss was musing about the “tapestry of business” — all the individual threads that must be woven together to make a coherent whole.  It is a structural notion that requires a strong core, a stout wearing surface and a lovely pattern.  It has to be strong, wear well and turn a pretty face to the public.  Most importantly, it has to be real and authentic.

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