
Employment and hiring process

Big Red Car here.  Nice sunny warm day here in the ATX.  It is summer, Old Sport, and it is going to be a warm one.

So The Boss was visiting with one of his CEOs and they got to chatting about the hiring process from a mechanical perspective.  The Boss loves nothing as well as a well defined and streamlined process and a process graphic.

At the end of the day, the hiring process is really a search or discovery function — finding the right person for the right job.  It is most surely a process.

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What is Customer Loyalty in the Age of the Internet?

Big Red Car here.  The weather is cloudy in the ATX today.  We are in mourning but I can’t tell you why just yet.  It is a sad, gray day.  Appropriate for mourning.

So The Boss is visiting with a couple of his CEOs and he was giving them an old school definition of customer loyalty.

They liked it — clueless really.  [Haha, Big Red Car, do not be dissing The Boss’s CEOs.  That is both impolite and rude.]

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The C Level Employment Agreement — Managing the At Will Employee Relationship

Big Red Car here.  Nice windy and cool day in the ATX.  Kind of hard to figure what kind of day this is really going to be?  We shall see.  Cloudy with thunderstorms is what the Intellicast man says.  Who really knows, it’s Texas.

So the Big Red Car gets an email — haha, the Big Red Car gets an email — from an Old Sport who asks:

“Hey, Big Red Car, this C Level Employment Agreement stuff is great for a CEO but what about us guys in the cubes?  We ain’t chopped liver, we’re software engineers, SEO experts and the like.  How do we get some diluted CEO love?”

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Fear — where an entrepreneur’s dreams go to die

Big Red Car here.  It’s going to be almost 100F and a bit sunny today in the afternoon.  Hoping to get some top down time this afternoon.

So The Boss is having coffee this morning with one of his CEO clients.  Nice guy.

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“C” level employment agreement provisions

Big Red Car here.  Nice quiet early morning, let’s me compose my thoughts.  We had a thunderstorm last night and the yard is strewn with twigs and leaves.  Lots of lightning.  Big Red Car loves lightning.  It seems to energize my personality and make me excited.  There is nothing in the world like an excited Big Red Car.  Haha, Big Red Car, you crack yourself up, don’t you?

So The Boss is working with a couple of his CEOs and they are looking for some guidance as to how they should define their relationship with their company — an employment agreement.

In once instance, the CEO is selling his company and is being retained by the new owners.  The new owners want to ensure that the CEO does not wander off and start another company, so they are both wanting to get something done.  And, why the Hell not, Big Red Car?

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Strategy v Tactics v Objectives

Big Red Car here.  Going to be a great day in the ATX and why the Hell not?  On Earth as it is in Connecticut?  No, dear friends, on Earth as it is in Texas!

So, The Boss is laying out how to build the fundamental intellectual building blocks of a new company.  Have you been paying attention?  Yes, you have, Grasshopper and the Big Red Car appreciates it very much.  Thank you.

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Do not piss on my fire

Big Red Car here.  Nice cool morning here in the ATX.  Yesterday I was fibbing about the quality of the day — it was cloudy.  Too much Chamber of Commerce for the Big Red Car, sorry.

So this morning The Boss is out with one of his CEOs talking him down off the ledge.  CEOs allow themselves to get a bit exercised sometimes and need a bit of tough love to get them back into the traces.

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