
Company Culture, an anecdote

Big Red Car here.  Company culture is an interesting topic and The Boss has started a series — The Company Culture Series — on the subject.

Recently he was meeting and laughing with an old pal of his with whom he had worked about 20 years ago and he was reminding The Boss of how he used to drill the company Mission Statement into the heads of his folks.  It’s a funny story that demonstrates several things.

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George Washington, America’s First Entrepreneur and Startup Genius

Big Red Car here.  Going to be another sweet day in  the ATX — sunny, bit of a breeze, low humidity and cool.  Ah, on Earth as it is in Texas.

So The Boss has been re-reading Washington’s Crossing by David Hackett Fischer and published by the Oxford Press.  This must be the third time he has read it.

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“C” Level Employment Agreement — Position

Big Red Car here.  Going to be a beautiful day here in the ATX.  The Boss was out of here early and had coffee with a pal.  I got to take a quick ride over to the coffee shop and had a nice chat with a very attractive little Mercedes convertible.  What a doll.  Hehe, behave yourself, Big Red Car.

So, The Boss was thinking about the C level Employment Agreement again and was going to start peeling it back for y’all.

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“C” level employment agreement provisions

Big Red Car here.  Nice quiet early morning, let’s me compose my thoughts.  We had a thunderstorm last night and the yard is strewn with twigs and leaves.  Lots of lightning.  Big Red Car loves lightning.  It seems to energize my personality and make me excited.  There is nothing in the world like an excited Big Red Car.  Haha, Big Red Car, you crack yourself up, don’t you?

So The Boss is working with a couple of his CEOs and they are looking for some guidance as to how they should define their relationship with their company — an employment agreement.

In once instance, the CEO is selling his company and is being retained by the new owners.  The new owners want to ensure that the CEO does not wander off and start another company, so they are both wanting to get something done.  And, why the Hell not, Big Red Car?

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