
Duty — odious duty

Big Red Car here.  Been raining cats and dogs here in the ATX.

The Boss was mumbling about planting some hibiscus and mandevilla vines along his big stone walls by the driveway — where your Big Red Car often bivouacs on a rainy night.  [Hey, I like the idea of sharing my bunk with some cute red flowers.  Get it, Big RED Car and big RED flowers?  Haha, Big Red Car, you crack yourself up.]

But, alas, it has been too rainy for The Boss to do any planting, so he’s been watching the NBA tournament.

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The Baroness Margaret Thatcher is Dead

Big Red Car here mourning the passing of Baroness Margaret Thatcher.

Many the accolade will be bestowed on this unique and extraordinary woman.  All well deserved.

The only woman Prime Minister of the United Kingdom was a true friend of the United States.

She transformed her country.  She was a partner with Ronald Reagan in transforming the world.  She stared Communism down in Europe.

The world shall never see another woman leader as extraordinary as the Baroness Margaret Thatcher.

Good luck.  Godspeed.  Well played!


George Washington — the ultimate crisis leader

Big Red Car here.  Nice sunny day, cold, here in the ATX.

The Boss was up before dawn and had his breakfast and was hard at work on a new deal he is working on.  An exciting new startup business.  Which brought me to the notion of leadership and, in particular, leadership in a crisis

I have often heard The Boss speak of his admiration for George Washington and his leadership — crisis leadership — in the Battle of Trenton. Continue reading


The Power of Experience — Your Generation Did NOT Invent Sex

Big Red Car here.  The Boss is back in town and he is back to business full steam ahead.  It is nice to see him so busy as he has been at the beach, in the mountains on the East coast and skiing for Christmas.  The last three months, he has been out of town a lot.

Now, he is back and I just might get a chance to blow out the cobwebs myself today if the rain holds off a bit.

This resurgence of activity got me thinking about the value and power of experience.

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