
The Trump Nomination Calculus — Daunting

Suppose you are an ambitious Republican seeking the nomination of your party through its established primary process to contest the 2024 election against the presumptive, ancient candidate of the Democrats, President Joe Biden, you have a formidable challenge ahead of you: you have to take out Donald J Trump to get the nomination.

The “experts” believed the Republican primary contest was going to be a very tight knot of folks vying against Trump, but it has turned out to be a circus.

I like a circus. Please pass the buttered popcorn.

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Trump Sell By Date Arrives

Donald J Trump expected to announce his 2024 candidacy for President next week in the warm glow of a transformative Republican red wave election.

That will not happen — he may decide to run for President, but there is no Republican red wave election glow.

In fact, there are a great many people who are blaming Trump for the election’s outcome. Continue reading



Comes to the front of my mind on this bluebird day in Austin By God Texas the subject of loyalty — a strong feeling of allegiance or fidelity to a person or a cause that results in a sense of heightened duty or devoted attachment.

In school, the military, business, and family, I have been exposed to extraordinary examples of loyalty, been the beneficiary of loyalty, been loyal.

The Virginia Military Institute

There is no more loyal bunch of alumni on the planet than those of my alma mater, The Virginia Military Institute.

Stonewall Jackson, former prof at VMI, guarding the parade ground overseeing the Rockbridge Battery (Mexican War, Civil War vets) Matthew, Mark, Luke, John in front of Jackson Arch wherein is inscribed the inspiring phrase, “You may be whatever you resolve to be.”

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The Debt Ceiling Kabuki Dance

Every few years, the United States rubs up against its mythical “debt ceiling,” a number which must be approved by the Congress to enable the Treasury to use debt to pay our national bills and conducts a ritualistic charade of acting like fiscally responsible adults — a bloody Kabuki dance.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer discussing the debt ceiling in costume of Japanese Kabuki dancers.

The debt ceiling is the maximum amount of money the US Treasury has authority to borrow in the form of bond sales.

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The Martyrdom of Donald J Trump

The United States survived a sacking of its Capitol for only the second time in its history, the last being 24 August 1814 orchestrated by Irish-born, British Major General Robert Ross who put a torch to the buildings of the US government and its military including the Capitol, the Presidential Mansion (we would call it the White House today), and a great number of other buildings.

His role in that victory was highly celebrated though he himself would be killed by American sharpshooters in the Battle of Baltimore. Karma is a bitch and should be.

The Burning of Washington painted by Paul de Thoyras

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Exclusive Interview With Joe Biden On Healing

Minding my own business and I get a phone call.

“This the Big Red Car?” the voice asks. Sort of gravelly like he was speaking through a mask or had just gotten up from a nap.

“Yes, sir. With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?” I ask.

“This is Joe, a scrappy kid from Scranton, Pennsylvania. Joe Biden, President-elect of the United States of America. Want to talk to you, Big Red Car. Give you the benefit of my views on healing. You listening?”

“Well, sir, I am all ears. What shall we talk about?” I was admittedly a little anxious not knowing why he would have called me.

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Take The Shot, Mr. President

So, here we stand on the edge of the precipice, at a pivotal moment in the history of our Republic with the entire fate of the Nation held hostage.

Bullshit. We aren’t even close to the precipice and this supposedly pivotal moment in the history of the Republic was all figured out by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution.

The only people alarmed are morons who have never read the Constitution.

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Donald J Trump — President For Life

If you are a moron, you may be enmeshed in a discussion as to the likelihood that President Donald J Trump will seize the reins of power and become our President for Life — shorthand for becoming a dictator.

This is in keeping with both China and Russia, who have both recently anointed their leaders as Presidents for Life. It is a trend. Is this trend our friend?

There are people running about who seem to be normal — my mother used to whisper, “The only normal people are those you don’t know very well” — and even educated.

A few have doctorates. A doctorate does not inoculate you from being a moron. In fact, it may accelerate the condition.

These morons are running about with their hands in each other’s pockets whispering that there is a meaningful chance that President Trump will become President for Life, a dictator.

Some put the odds at 0-10%. [Note: Pretty much everything in the world has a 0-10% probability, including winning the lottery. So, this is no bold statement.]

Some of these particular morons link this to the election coming in 98 days with a scenario in which POTUS Trump does not “accept” the outcome of a loss at the hands of Democrat Candidate Joe Biden and refuses to leave the White House come January 2021..

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