
When Innovation Kills Good Jobs

In case you have not noticed, there is a short term crisis that has necessitated the closing of many schools, a re-orientation toward distance learning, and a growth of innovation surrounding this changed condition.

Distance learning has been an ongoing thing for some time already and the use of technology in education is no spring chicken. [Some of the big college MBA programs are delivered exclusively through distance learning with limited to no degradation of the experience.]

One distance learning company has an outstanding call for 5,000 teachers to provide classes through its platform.

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Labor Force Participation Rate at 38-year LOW

Big Red Car here. Well The Boss got the garage cleaned out, so now your Big Red Car can sleep in security inside the garage. But, wait, the Lexus SUV (a pampered bitch if ever there was one) is going to be getting first dibs on the new sleeping quarters. Life is not fair! But, hey, I love it anyway cause I get to commune with nature and all that jazz.

So The Boss turned a bit serious today when having a hot dog with one of his buddies. They ate at Man Bites Dog, said it was very good. Continue reading


Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Big Red Car here.  Going to be a great day in the ATX.  Still not such a great day in the United States of America.

WTF, Big Red Car?  WTF is your problem?

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