
The Power of Video — Get Some

Big Red Car here.  Well, Old Sport, is it going to be 82F and sunny today here in the ATX.  On Earth as it is in Texas.

So The Boss is working with several CEOs and they have been discussing the use of video in their businesses.  An interesting discussion indeed.  Let’s listen in, ya’ll.

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Fleeting Entrepreneurial Contentment

Big Red Car here.  Ahhh, The Boss had a terrific day of pressure washing <<<link here yesterday and is about half through with the backyard.  Nice to see the Old Boy get his relaxation on from time to time.  He seems so damn content.

So The Boss was visiting with one of his brilliant CEOs and with no prodding the CEO offered up that times were good and he hoped he did nothing to screw it up.

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In Praise of Pressure Washing

Big Red Car here.  Ahhh, lots of rain and a bit cooler.  Hell, it’s 51F right now but it’s going to 84F this afternoon and the sun is going to shine for a week or so.  Ahh, bring the sun to the Big Red Car and let me bask in its glory.

So, through the years I have watched The Boss do his thing.  And one of the things The Boss does is pressure washing.  [Haha, I know what you’re thinking but this is a serious matter nonetheless.  Yes, Old Sport, pressure washing.]

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Achieving Work Life Balance in a Startup, You CAN Do It

Big Red Car here.  Crisp cool morning in the ATX.  It’s 45F looking for 75F later today.  Ahh, on Earth as it is in Texas, ya’ll.  Perhaps in Heaven as it is in Texas?

So, The Boss is talking to one of his brilliant CEOs and the CEO laments the difficulty of achieving balance in his life and work.  It is a common refrain and The Boss has heard it before and will hear it again, I am sure.  This is not a unique problem.

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Harnessing the Power of a Crisis

Big Red Car here.  We’ve been having a bit of rain here in the ATX.  And that, Old Sport, is a very good thang as we are needing some more water in the lakes just now.

Look here and see this short video of the torrent of water flowing through Barton Springs.  If you don’t know Barton Springs, then you don’t know Austin.

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