
The President Lied On Benghazi

Big Red Car here.  I love Sunday mornings because I can watch the “shows” on television and I can use the computer and surf the ‘Net when The Boss is at church.

He goes to that snake charming church of his. Haha, Big Red Car, watch yourself you’re going to get your ‘puter privileges shorted.  OK, sorry, Boss.

So let’s cut the crap about Benghazi.  Let’s skin it back and let it stink.

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Weaving the Tapestry of Business

Big Red Car here.  Cool night and The Boss is up early this morning.  He loves a Saturday morning.  Pancakes and bacon, perhaps?  Bit of fresh 10W30, please pass the clean air filter?  Haha, Big Red Car, you crack yourself up.

So The Boss was musing about the “tapestry of business” — all the individual threads that must be woven together to make a coherent whole.  It is a structural notion that requires a strong core, a stout wearing surface and a lovely pattern.  It has to be strong, wear well and turn a pretty face to the public.  Most importantly, it has to be real and authentic.

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The Social Engineering of Our Army

Big Red Car here.  Hey, it’s cold and gray and a bit wet here in the ATX.   But, guess what?  We still love it.  We love it in the ATX when Mother Nature comes calling and gives us a bit of a respite from those monotonous clear sunny and wonderful days.  Plus now everybody gets to wear their sweaters.  And, that’s a good thing, no?

So The Boss was up early and was reading some stuff and he came upon this article about the Army and a new concern that Christians might be doing some proselytizing.

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