
Mexico Plays The United States For A Sucker

Mexican President, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador or AMLO, has decided to play hardball with American President Joe Biden in regard to the debacle on the southern border — you know the border between the sovereign nation of the United States of America and the Consolidated Cartels of Mexico.

Illegal immigrants invade the United States in a coordinated wave managed by the Cartels.

AMLO — in a meeting in Mexico City whereto he summoned the American Secretary of State and the Director of Homeland Security like a couple of neutered chihuahuas — has levied the following demands of the Biden admin to “assist” with the issue of the southern border. Continue reading


The Chinese Invasion of the United States 2023 Is Underway Now

No person with a brain believes the open US – Mexico border and the record levels of illegal immigration are not an attraction to those who desire to harm the United States.

A cohort of young Chinese men of military age apprehended at the US – Mexico border whilst seeking “asylum” in the United States

Let’s play “Chinese checkers”

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The Impeachable Southern Border

Every day illegal immigrants break into the country, are processed by Customs and Border Patrol, and released into the country under the fiction of presenting themselves at some future date to have their case heard before a judge.

Our country provides guidance, healthcare, transportation, food, and money to all of these criminals. Our government facilitates this with your tax money.

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The United States And Nicaragua Immigration Partnership

The sovereign nations of Nicaragua and the United States have entered into a new immigration partnership. It works like this:

 1. Nicaragua flies its prisoners involuntarily to the United States where they are illegal immigrants and dumped into US possession. Last week, they sent 222 felons.

Helpful Nicaraguan police assist felon — wore white after Labor Day – in finding a seat on the bus to the airport to catch the Freedom Bird to the United States

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Facebook And the H-1B Visa Scandal

Comes now our pals at Facebook who are under the microscope of a bunch of state Attorneys General to be busted up and reformed for a myriad of reasons.

In the specific instance of the state AGs, it is for smothering small businesses. This is different.

My name is Mark Zuck and I do not approve this message. Look into my eyes. We did nothing wrong. Do not listen to the Big Red Car. I will take him to a junkyard and crush him into a cube of red metal.

At the same time, Facebook is being sued by the Department of Justice for improperly filling a number of jobs — 2,600 high paying jobs — through the use of H-1B visas.

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Death In The Sanctuary State Of Illinois

Corey Cottrell, 39 years old, was riding his motorcycle on Main Street, in Bloomington, Illinois, on 22 June 2019. He was headed to see his mother at church.

Jose Rodriquez, a 27-year-old, Honduran illegal alien was driving a van owned by his employer east on Macarthur Boulevard, when he ran a red light and killed Cottrell, leaving Cottrell’s two daughters (11 and 14) fatherless.

Rodriquez not only killed Cottrell — enroute to see his mother at church, he ran over him as he fled the scene of the accident. Rodriquez ran into Cottrell; Rodriquez ran over Cottrell as he lay dying on the pavement, Rodriquez fled the scene of the accident.

Beer cans were found in the van.

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Illegal Immigration — Action Trumps Words

Want to talk illegal immigration with the Big Red Car? Sure, why not?

Big Red Car here awaiting the rains. It is supposed to rain today, but who really knows? We love rain in Texas! On Earth as it is in Texas!

So, the Big Red Car is focused on actual policy decisions by the Trump administration rather than the latest twenty minute meeting between Jared or Don or Ivanka or Eric or Paul and somebody at the Russian Tea Room.

What the Big Red Car likes is the impact of the bully pulpit and policy on illegal immigration.

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