
Tactics, Political Tactics

Outcomes in life are determined by the tactics you employ with which to grapple with it.

If you were spit out by a military school, as was I, you will learn basic infantry tactics like attacking a hill with a platoon of 50 men employing something called “fire and maneuver.”

Part of the platoon fires whilst the balance maneuvers, you reverse rolls until you are within hand grenade range whereat you fling a few grenades before closing with and killing the enemy.

It is delightfully simple when confronting the idea with pen and ink, but more troubling when done for real.

You will quickly learn that attacking a hill with a bunch of cadets who will have their turn soon enough is vastly different than doing the same thing when someone is shooting at you and your ranks are peopled with men who are having second thoughts about their career choice.

What you quickly learn is that tactics, successful tactics, require action. You will also want to know that the other guy has likely had a bit of instruction on defending a hill.

This will quickly devolve into a classic clash of wills as does much of life.

The one with the better tactics will win the encounter. Winning in the military racket is highly prized and there is actually no substitute for success.

So, now we turn to the issue of the COVID Relief Package and a lesson on tactics.

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Nancy Pelosi’s Side — Let Them Eat Ice Cream

I’m considering things great and small when my phone rings. I do not recognize the number, but the ring itself feels like a political survey, so I answer.

“Stand by for the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi,” the voice says. It sounds eerily like the Emperor in Star Wars. So, I wait. I wait. I wait.

“Big Red Car, how are you, dear?” the Speaker asks.

“Fine, Madame Speaker, et vous?”

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Lives In The Balance — Damn You, Nancy Pelosi

Today, the United States Congress House of Representatives returned from recess during which the US Senate stayed in town to do the people’s business.

In their absence, the US Senate proposed, negotiated, and passed a relief bill to address the WutangCurse pandemic. There was plenty of perfidy on the part of Democrats to try to stuff that bill full of liberal pork and waste time that the nation simply does not have.

In spite of this hard work, joinder by her Dem colleagues in the Senate, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi returned before her colleagues and announced that she did not “favor” the Senate bill and would be proposing a bill of her own that found life as a 1,140 page K Street embrace of every liberal wet dream imaginable including giving money — $1,000,000,000 — to Sanctuary Cities in defiance of the Trump admin’s policy and forgiving student loan debt. Things that have nothing to do with relief from the pandemic.

This pig fest then became a 1,400 page indecipherable lard trough whose contents were unlinked to the intended relief of the pain the country is enduring from the WutangCurse pandemic.

This morning, Speaker Pelosi called the House of Representatives into session at 10:00 AM.

At 10:02 AM, she adjourned the House of Representatives without taking up the Senate relief bill.

If you are sick, unemployed, about to become unemployed, a small business in free fall, a business who cannot make payroll or rent, a business teetering on the brink, an American worried about our fellow Americans, a hospital desperately seeking assistance, a medical professional praying for more supplies — then know this:

With Lives In The Balance,

Speaker Nancy Pelosi Spit In Your Face,

Laughed At Your Struggle

One is forced to ask why any politician would do what she has done. I get it that Speaker Pelosi, a fabulously wealthy person on a power trip, is a politician. I just never realized she was also a traitor to her country, our country.

Damn you, Nancy Pelosi. Damn you to Hell.



Ballot Stuffing v WutangCurse Relief Package

OK, this post is really about the WutangCurse relief package intended to aid folks whose jobs have gone up in smoke, jobs about to be lost, small businesses suffering, and about to be pitchforked.

But first, dear reader, let’s take a little quiz. Is the following election practice legal in the United States?

 1. Can a “voter” register the same day as an election?

 2. Can that same voter immediately fill out a mail-in or absentee ballot?

 3. Can that same voter give the filled in ballot to another person for delivery to the polling point?

 4. Does that delivery person have any limitations as to how many ballots they can collect from voters?

 5. Does the delivery person have to have any authorization from the voter to deliver his/her ballot?

 6. Can that delivery person be paid for his/her service?

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Impeachment — Decisive Engagement

Today, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi directed the House Judiciary Committee (Jerry Nadler, Chairman) to draft Articles of Impeachment saying, “The President has given us no choice.”

This decision came after a meeting of the Democrat caucus and a day of riveting testimony from a panel of four law professors. [For those of you whose sarcasm meters are in the shop for holiday repairs after Thanksgiving — this is sarcasm.]

This calls to mind two things of some portent:

If you come to kill the king, make sure to kill the king.

The importance and danger of a decisive engagement.

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Impeachment — how does that make you feel?

Today, I am in the prop wash of the Congress going on its 10-day Thanksgiving vacay. It must be nice.

[The House didn’t have a chance to run that USMCA — United States Mexico Canada Agreement — the NAFTA replacement through for a vote, but they had plenty of time to deal with Ukraine and investigating President Trump. Maybe they can get back to the real business when they return from Thanksgiving. Oh, no. Then we have Christmas. Ooops.]

It has given me time to study the impeachment phenomenon.

I come away with a longish yawn and here’s why.

The Congress — specifically Adam Schiff’s Band of Boobs (includes you, Republicans) spent the last week asking people who got fired from their post as Ambassador to Ukraine, “How did that make you feel?”

Stop — is there anybody on the planet who doesn’t think former Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch doesn’t feel . . . . . BAD? Sheesh. 

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The Day Decorum Died in the US Congress

Spoiler alert — this is a blog post about how the US Congress is wasting their time and our money while engaged in meaningless self-flagellation.

So, President Donald J Trump unleashed the power of Twitter in his inimitable style. It offended a few folks.

There is no novelty amongst that trio — Trump, Twitter, folks taking offense. Let me take that a step further — if Trump is tweeting, he is pissing people off.

Pro tip: He does it on purpose. It’s part of his schtick. When you react to it, you are doing exactly what he wants you to do. He got elected using his Twitter antics. He is the King of Twitter. He will only stop when you stop feeding the beast.

Amongst those offended were The Squad. The Squad — also known as AOC Plus Three — had flung some invective his direction and he responded with Tweets that they classified as RACIST.


Calling somebody a racist these days is the new normal. The word itself has lost any grounding in the English language. If anybody disagrees with another, they are a racist. It is slipping into the lexicom like the word “dude.”

I have a pal with whom I enjoy discussing the issues of the day. Before we start chatting, we both say, “Dude, you’re a hopelessly clueless racist.” That keeps us from having to build to that crescendo. Gets us off on the right foot.

BTW, I think you are a racist. Glad we got that out of the way.

This happened after AOC implied Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was also a racist for singling out The Squad — The Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse — for picking on them because they were “women of color.”

Nancy, trying to ingratiate herself with AOC suggested that any Dem in “her” district could get elected including a GLASS OF WATER. Ouch. So we had some raw nerves amongst the Speaker (Wily Coyote), AOC, and The Squad.

Image result for images aoc

There is no quicker trigger finger in the Congress than Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez when it comes to hurling racist invective. You’re drawing your six gun and Alex has already fired and hit you twice, amigo.

I dig AOC.

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