
Breakthrough Diplomacy

Breakthrough diplomacy, Big Red Car? Huh?

Big Red Car here on a lovely Monday in Spring. Haha, it’s Spring in Texas. One more week and the azaleas will be here. They are already out in Savannah.

The Big Red Car is encouraged by the situation with North Korea which got me thinking about the nature of breakthrough diplomacy – when a President or politician snatches victory from the jaws of defeat.

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Kim Jong-un, Jaws, Supreme Leader of North Korea

So, there you have it. The Supreme Leader and nuclear gangster wants to have a sit down with President Trump. The President, said, “Hell, yes. I’ll meet with you, Rocket Man.”

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New Hampshire Voter Fraud 2016

Voter fraud, Big Red Car?

Big Red Car here on an early Friday morning to discuss New Hampshire Voter Fraud in 2016.

Let me share two important facts:

 1. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D) won New Hampshire by 2,736 votes.

HRC (D) 348,526 votes
DJT (R) 345,790 votes

 2. Senator Kelly Ayotte(R) was defeated by Governor Maggie Hassan(D) by 1,017 votes.

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President Trump Accomplishments

Big Red Car here talking President Donald J Trump accomplishments.

Bit gray, Hurricane Harvey coming, but there’s another storm I want to talk to you about.

It seems that it is impossible for President Donald J Trump to get any credit for anything he does. This is not intended to be a defense of anything, but I want to share with you something President Trump has engineered in regard to energy.

Energy is a huge opportunity for the United States. It is also quite strategic from a national defense perspective.

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Chief of Staff — John F Kelly, Gen, USMC Retired — Hold On, Get Ready!

General John F Kelly, reporting for duty as the new White House Chief of Staff on Monday, 31 July 2017 and nothing will be the same thereafter. Semper Fi!

Big Red Car here on a scorching Texas day with the temp set at 104F. Ahhh, on Earth as it is in Texas. Taking a break from floating in the pool to discuss the implications of the naming of John F Kelly as the new White House Chief of Staff.

It is a brilliant pick for a number of reasons which civilians don’t understand. Let a Big Red Car ‘splain it to y’all. Listen up, Chowderheads (Kelly is an Irish Catholic from Boston, hence the “chowderheads” sobriquet.)

So, this General Kelly was a United States Marine for more than forty years. It is through that training, education, and leadership experience that he is so ably appointed to the position of CoS to the POTUS.

This is a guy with skin in the game. His son, a Marine Lieutenant, was killed in Afghanistan while on patrol.

General Kelly had to tell his wife, Karen Hernest, that their son was killed in Afghanistan. He describes it as the hardest thing he has ever done.

His son, Robert, stepped on a landmine during a third combat tour in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban in Sangin, scene of some the toughest fighting in the war. He was a platoon commander with Lima Company, 3/5th Marines. General Kelly has another son who is a Marine Major.

The Marine Corps is the family business in the Kelly family. Their daughter works for the American Red Cross.

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Illegal Immigration — Action Trumps Words

Want to talk illegal immigration with the Big Red Car? Sure, why not?

Big Red Car here awaiting the rains. It is supposed to rain today, but who really knows? We love rain in Texas! On Earth as it is in Texas!

So, the Big Red Car is focused on actual policy decisions by the Trump administration rather than the latest twenty minute meeting between Jared or Don or Ivanka or Eric or Paul and somebody at the Russian Tea Room.

What the Big Red Car likes is the impact of the bully pulpit and policy on illegal immigration.

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Policy v Personality Trump

Policy v personality? Huh, Big Red Car?

Big Red Car here in the dark awaiting the sun’s rising. Going to be a great day in the ATX — on Earth as it is in Texas, y’all!

So, the other day, the Big Red Car is reading a blog, CONTINUATIONS, which asks the question — “I am genuinely curious whether there is anyone attempting a cogent defense of the record so far.”

The author of that statement is one Albert Wenger. He is a partner of Union Square Ventures, an experienced venture capitalist, and a successful entrepreneur in his own right.

He is also a Trump hater and a Manhattan liberal. Still, he is smart as Hell and broad minded enough to have asked the question. A poorly educated chap (Harvard College econ and computer science degrees plus MIT PhD in liberal info tech — just kidding about the “liberal” part), he cannot get beyond the Manhattan elitist Trump syndrome, so I am here to assist him.

Today, the Big Red car will provide that defense — a cogent defense of the Trump record.

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Veterans Administration Changes — Culture

The toxic culture at the Veterans Administration is finally getting some overdue attention. Bravo!

Big Red Car here on an incredibly beautiful Texas day. Will be hot, sunny, and Texas. On Earth as it is in Texas, y’all!

So, big things going on over at the Veterans Administration. Finally!

In late June, the President signed the Veterans Administration Accountability bill codifying some simple commonsense changes to an organization with a toxic culture which falsified records resulting in veterans not receiving timely care and employees receiving performance related bonuses based on bogus information. Not a good thing. One would that fraud in most instances, financial fraud. The kind of fraud folks go to jail for, but not at the VA.

The Union — can you believe that government employees at the VA are union members? — says it is a wholesale assault on Federal workers to which the Big Red Car says, “Bravo! About time!”

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