
The Beclowning of American Foreign Policy

Big Red Car here.  The Boss is back home and the weather is a bit milder.  No connection.

Boss was in conversation with an old pal of his.   Both interested in politics and got to talking about the sorry state of American foreign policy in the aftermath of the Syrian debacle.

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The Pursuit of Happiness and the American Dream

Big Red Car here.  Well, The Boss got skunked on the tarpon in Key Largo.  [Kind of like to see The Boss get his butt knocked in the dirt from time to time.  Good for him to learn a bit of humility, haha.  Watch yourself, Big Red Car.]

Final score — The Boss 0, Tarpon 7.

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Here comes the cavalry! The Promise

Big Red Car here.  Rainy and gloomy and an altogether typical late May day.  The ATX gets a lot of its rain during the end of May and then we settle in for the long, hot, dry journey through June to August and finally to September and the start of Longhorn football.  Go Horns!

On the eave of Memorial Day, when America celebrates the sacrifice of its war dead who have given the last measure of devotion so that we may live in liberty with freedom, we think about those who have served in the military and who fought America’s wars.

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