
Legacy v startup cultures

Big Red Car here.  Nice, lovely crisp day in the ATX.  Going to be a beauty–move to Texas kind of wonderful.  But, hey, you already knew that.

So The Boss’s offspring are an investment banker and a startup graphic designer.  One foot in a legacy company wrestling with becoming a more timely enterprise and a startup going through adolescence.  Got The Boss thinking about evolving ways to run a business. Continue reading


Dangerous Inflection Points, the Turn to Final

Big Red Car here.  Bit cloudy and cool here this morning in the ATX, still Spring is in the air.  It is currently 72F and it will be 87F before the day is through.

So The Boss gets talking with a couple of venture capitalists and the conversation drifts toward “inflection points” or pivots and how to deal with them. Continue reading


Valley Forge — a Primer in Crisis Management for the Startup CEO

Big Red Car here.  Oh boy, it’s going to be 75F and sunny here in the ATX today.  Oh boy!  [Hey, Big Red Car, STFU because other folks live in places like Chicago and it’s wicked cold there.  Actually it’s going to be quite nice in Chicago today.]

So The Boss is still in Steamboat Springs skiing.  It snowed like mad yesterday and last night.  Probably got more than a foot of fresh powder.  They were out grooming it all night long.

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George Washington — American Entrepreneur

Well, The Boss has been reading all about George Washington (for about the fifth time that the Big Red Car is aware of) and is reading Douglas Southall Freeman’s seven volume history of Washington for at least the second time.

Freeman is the author of the definitive works on Washington and Robert E Lee.

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Old Economy to New Economy Transformation Revisited

Big Red Car here.  Hey, it’s raining in the ATX and I don’t like that.  It’s a bit cold in addition.  The Boss had a day of power washing laid on but it looks a bit spotty.  I like The Boss to get his power washing on — it makes the simpleton so damn happy.  [Haha, watch it Big Red Car.]

So The Boss has always been a huge fan of the transformation of old economy companies to new economy companies.  A great way to create value by essentially jerking the old economy company into the real, current world.

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