
The Character Traits and Skills of the Successful CEO — Discipline

Big Red Car here.  I guess you’re getting tired of hearing about the warm, sunny weather here in the ATX.  It is July, ya’ll, and it is typical for these times.  Today will be another beautiful day in paradise.  On Earth as it is in Texas!

So The Boss is talking to one of his CEOs and the CEO says:  “Hey, I’ve got a situation which calls for a bit of discipline.  Any advice?”

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Knaves and Treachery

Big Red Car here.  Well, The Boss is back from Santa Fe and the oppressive heat of July is here to stay.  Haha, Big Red Car, stop feeling sorry for yourself, you’re in the ATX and that’s all good.

So The Boss was comforting one of his CEO pals who was feeling a bit blue having been the victim of a bit of chicanery and treachery made perhaps all the worst because it emanated from one of his former star mentees.  Oh, such is life.  You will meet your knaves and treachery in life and business.  Recognize them.

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The character traits and skills of the successful CEO — LEARNING FROM FAILURE

Big Red Car here.  Been a nice run of warm, sunny and delightful convertible weather.  OK, when the mercury flirts with 100F only mad dogs and Englishmen are out and about in that deadly sun but those cool mornings and those sultry evenings.  Ahh, on Earth as it is in Texas.

So The Boss is thinking about what makes a CEO successful and I, the Big Red Car, have been eavesdropping on him just a bit.  [Shhh, don’t tell The Boss what I have been doing.  Haha, the devilish and scheming Big Red Car.]  So let’s talk about learning from failure.

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Entrepreneurial anxiety — when panic attacks

Big Red Car here.  Low clouds, warm wind out of the south — going to be a nice hot Texas day before it’s all over.

The Texas heat can be a chore but it’s only June, so it is only going to get hotter.  Haven’t hit 100F for a stretch yet, so we still have a bit of time to go.  Bring it, sayeth the Big Red Car.

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