If you are an entrepreneur, founder, CEO, you swim in a sea of risk, alternating amongst the butterfly, the backstroke, the breaststroke, and the crawl. You must do it all.
In the early days, you are a minnow (or a little mullet if you are feeling salty) and the dangerous waters of startup land are populated by voracious, big-toothed sharks, vicious sharks, all of whom want to devour you.
In these early, formative days every risk can eat you (kill you, destroy your company). [Worse, you don’t yet know the nature of risk. You are in that classic posture of not knowing what you don’t know.]
As you exit the size 2 Pampers, the list of things that can kill you begins to thin, but you add to it — you begin to take risk.
You visit risk upon yourself as you sharp elbow your way upward in the food chain. [Soon, you may become a shark.]
The big question is this — Do you understand the nature of the risks you are taking?
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