
Technology and Predatory Pricing, the Uber Story

Big Red Car here.  Ahhh, 70F and sunny in the ATX.  You know that’s pretty damn sweet, ya’ll.  On Earth as it is in Texas, indeed.

The Boss is still skiing in Steamboat and he’s reporting 35F and sunny — sunburn, Boss.  Get the SPF working for you.  Sunscreen, the most dependable service available and the best advice ever.

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When You Want It Enough

Big Red Car here.  The Boss is in the Boat skiing, so I got the housesitter again.  Me and the housesitter, we get along quite well because that young man knows how to run wild and free just like a Big Red Car loves to do.  [Do NOT tell The Boss but we going to be touring the Christmas lights with a bit of mulled wine and some lovelies.  Anyway, that’s the plan.]

So before The Boss left for the Boat, I overheard him talking to a CEO who was struggling with motivation.  Every CEO does eventually.  CEOing is a draining business.

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Vision Clarity

Big Red Car here.  Been a bit lazy lately what with The Boss out of town and the house sitter running me ragged.  I love the house sitter because he works me like a rented mule and keeps company with some very attractive young ladies.  He has an outstanding vision of how things ought to be with a lot of pool time and a lot of cruising with his babes.

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Organizing to Raise Capital for the Startup and Small Business

Big Red Car here.  Oh boy, what a day!  Here in the ATX all is good.  On Earth as it is in Texas, ya’ll.

The Boss has been to a couple of meetings already and was giving a young startup CEO a bit of his accumulated wisdom on how to organizeh is affairs to hit the fundraising trail.

“Get a tin cup!”  Haha, Big Red Car, you are a wag.  The Boss did not tell the CEO to get a tin cup.  Well, yes, I guess he did.

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The Market is Not Stupid

Big Red Car here.  It’s a quiet morning and nobody is up and stirring yet.  Well, except for that mean old bitch, the market.  She’s been up all night long making the adjustments that she is wont to make.

Ahhh, the sound of rain falling gently on our lovely ATX.  It is a narcotic sound and makes me want to get back to sleep.

But, dear reader, I must tell you about something that is very obvious — the market is not stupid.

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