
Convertible Debt

Big Red Car here.  Well, it’s cold and raw here in the ATX.  Not convertible weather which gets me thinking about a different type of convertible — convertible debt.

The Boss received several questions as to when and how convertible debt would be used by a startup.  This explanation will give you the basics.

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Fundraising developments

Big Red Car here.  The Boss is back in town through the rest of the year — well, except for a visit to NYC and a couple of weeks of skiing in early December.  The Boss likes that skiing.  It’s already snowed in the Rockies.

This morning he was up early and had a conversation with one of his CEOs that he’s had about a thousand times — raising money.  It’s what CEOs do whether they like it or not.

Most CEOs do not like raising money.

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Organizing to Raise Capital for the Startup and Small Business

Big Red Car here.  Oh boy, what a day!  Here in the ATX all is good.  On Earth as it is in Texas, ya’ll.

The Boss has been to a couple of meetings already and was giving a young startup CEO a bit of his accumulated wisdom on how to organizeh is affairs to hit the fundraising trail.

“Get a tin cup!”  Haha, Big Red Car, you are a wag.  The Boss did not tell the CEO to get a tin cup.  Well, yes, I guess he did.

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Voomly.com — Voomers and Vexperts

Big Red Car here.  Nice cold morning with lot of cloud cover.  The Boss took me out for a quick run to a morning coffee meeting.  I love getting up early and hitting the road even if it is for some corporate coffee — that would be Starbucks.

So he was visiting with a friend and the subject of Voomly.com came up.  The Boss is getting into Voomly.

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Pitching, Hard Fast and Tight

Big Red Car here.

So I finally got to run a bit yesterday because the sun was out though it was a bit crisp all day.  This morning I got to get up very early and go for coffee at Austin Java on Windsor.

The Boss was meeting a young video entrepreneur and he agreed to do a deal with him.  I like the idea of The Boss getting back into the deal business.  This one will be fun.

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