
Redemption or Revenge?

Which is better — redemption or revenge? Why not both, Big Red Car?

Big Red Car here on a slightly gray day in the ATX, but yesterday was glorious. Out touring the Hill Country checking out the bluebonnets, the poppies, the Indian paintbrush, and, of course, the cows on the roads.


Hill Country Big Mac on the hoof grazing amongst the bluebonnets. Be careful driving about the roads where the livestock have the right of way. This is, of course, Texas.

So, in the women’s Big Dance, the Mississippi State girls beat the University of Connecticut girls in an overtime game. The game was won on a last second shot and the final score was 66-64.

That’s Bulldogs triumphing over Huskies, which keeps the fight amongst the bitches (a bitch being a female of the dog persuasion, no?). [See the cheap trick the Big Red Car played on y’all. Not well played, BRC.]

The really story — what writers like to call the “backstory” — is that a year ago, the UConn girls beat the Mississippi State women like red headed stepchildren by 60 points in a Sweet Sixteen matchup. OUCH!

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Leadership & Management — One More Time!

Big Red Car here. Ahh, you know the shtick by now — On Earth as it is in Texas!

Every so often, we find ourselves being drawn into a discussion that is endless.

One such discussion is the ramifications of leadership and management for the startup and small business. It is a continuous discussion.

Note that the Big Red Car did not say leadership “versus” management because they are not in a contest with each other. Continue reading


Harnessing Emotions — Leadership

Big Red Car here in the tropical rain forest known as Austin by God Texas.

It’s been raining a little here. Not that we don’t need it; we do. If we did not have such an arid climate, we would not be complaining but we are not really used to this much rain; so we complain.

Shame on us.

In life, we are propelled ever forward by our emotions — driven by the slings, arrows, slights, insults that are visited upon us and which tempt us to anger. Anger can be very destructive. How are you harnessing emotions?

Listen carefully — this is a “good” thing. Not a GOOD thing, a “good” thing. Continue reading


The Scold in Chief and Ineffective Leadership

Big Red Car here. Weather getting better in the ATX. Things in the world, however, are not getting better.

Pure evil conveys a great luxury on those who are forces for good. Its purity is so virulent and undiluted that a thinking man does not have to engage in subtle thought to fashion a plan or to justify action. It broadcasts a call to action that is unequivocal. It screams out for a grave and to be laid in that grave.

Nazis, ISIS — so evil that the reaction is instinctive, pure and obvious.

They must be eliminated. There is no other course of action to contemplate. ISIS must be eliminated. Continue reading


Troy H Middleton, Citizen Soldier

Big Red Car here.  Well, you know what I’m going to say — right?  On Earth as it is in Austin, Texas, ya’ll, cause it’s just about perfect here in the ATX.

So The Boss is finishing up reading about his tenth book on the Battle of the Bulge in World War II.  He gets fixated on something in his reading — last time it was the masonry design of Irish castles, haha — and he just reads and studies it in depth and extracts the learnings like he was squeezing an orange to make orangeade.

You do love orangeade, right?  Bit of simple syrup, bit of peel, bit of something fizzy and fresh squeezed oranges.  Fresh, Old Sport, fresh.

Read carefully, friends, this will all circle back to entrepreneurial decision making but you’re going to have to stay on the horse for the entire journey.

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Finding your authentic leadership style

Big Red Car here.  Hey, it’s raining early this morning in the ATX.  Well, we like a bit of rain.  Seems like a nice gentle rain falling on our homes and fields and Big Red Cars because I am parked on the freakin’ street, Boss.

OK, OK, I know that I am supposed to keep my place in all things and I will not start trouble but a bit of garage time would be greatly appreciated.

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Trust, Red Lines and Enormous Consequences

Big Red Car here.  Bright, sunny, wonderful Sunday morning here in the ATX.  Have to type fast because The Boss is at church and that is one of my prime times to use the computer.  He leaves it on for me.  I think.

So, I was watching the Sunday morning talk shows and gave a bit of thought to the issue of TRUST — how do you build it and how do you use it and how do you lose it?

Oh, this Big Red Car is a very deep thinker!  Haha, Big Red Car you crack yourself up, don’t you?

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