
The Ballad of Mayor Pete, Secretary of Transportation

Every President is entitled to assemble a Cabinet made of those who he/she wants to run the country even in these polarized times.

The Senate has a role in its advise/consent Constitutional duty to ensure the Devil Herself does not get seated, but, in general, a POTUS should be able to assemble his own Gang.

The Biden Gang, thus far, is more than 75% Obama retreads — whilst you may be tempted to cluck at that, who else does the guy know? Come on, man.

One new face in the crowd is this Mayor Pete chap for Secretary of Transportation. Seems an odd choice.

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The Beclowning of Presidential Debates

If you were unfortunate enough to have watched the Presidential Debate Road Show that blew into Cleveland last night, then you will not be surprised when I opine it was a bloody 3-ring circus.

The debate starring POTUS Trump (a man who must swear off caffeinated coffee at night) featured a spirited chat with Chris Wallace (the supposed ringmaster who never got the assignment clear in his head). From time-to-time, former Vice President Joe Biden participated.

Chris Wallace managed to undue two generations of his own family’s involvement with both journalism and debate moderation in less than a minute. Though the debate was a 9-round 90 minute format, Chris lost control within ten seconds.

Chris is likely lying stunned in a thumb-sucking, fetal position trying to sort out the question for the ages: WTF just happened?

Here is how the Russian Judge scored the fight cards. The opinion of the Russian Judge is very important because, of course, the Russians are scheduled to spend another $70,000 in social media ads amongst the malestrom of $6B in election spending to influence the 2020 election.

The Russian Judge watching and evaluating the Circus in Cleveland last night.

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Hunter Biden — Exclusive Interview

I was sitting here minding my own business — contemplating a new paint job — when my cell phone rang.

“Hello, Big Red Car, this is Hunter Biden. Heard you’ve been talking shit about me.” I could tell he was juiced up and nervous, had an edge to his voice.

I laughed as, in fact, I had not been talking about Hunter Biden. I noted a blog post I had posted back in October and directed him to  take a look at it.

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