In Defense of Wealth
Big Red Car here. Early today in the ATX but already you can tell it’s going to be a great day. Every day in the ATX is great.
On Earth as it is in Texas. Continue reading
Big Red Car here. Early today in the ATX but already you can tell it’s going to be a great day. Every day in the ATX is great.
On Earth as it is in Texas. Continue reading
Big Red Car here. Austin is already sunny and cool and wonderful. Only one big question, Old Sport, why are YOU not here? Continue reading
Big Red Car here. Wow, turns out the President is a regular reader of The Musings of the Big Red Car.
I asked him if he had a minute and we had a nice chat. He’s not as tall in person as I thought but he was very gracious. After the interview, we took a tour through Austin and stopped for some Q. He said he had no money and I had to spring for the Q. He said it was a new “tax”?
Anyway, here it is — the Big Red Car’s interview with President Obama. Continue reading
Big Red Car here. The weather in the ATX is beyond belief. It is clear that God has moved to Austin to recuperate for a few weeks.
So the mess in Eastern Europe is not getting better by itself which causes the Big Red Car to reflect how we got into this mess. Continue reading
Big Red Car here. Going to be another great day in paradise. Paradise being Austin by God Texas, ya’ll. Going to be about 75F here today.
So, unless you’ve been in outer space for a couple of weeks, you’re probably aware that Secretary of State John F Kerry has given Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Russians until Monday to withdraw from Crimea and to stop threatening Ukraine with a Russian invasion. Whew! Continue reading
Big Red Car here. SXSW in the ATX, ya’ll. Big time — 250,000 nerds and hipsters can’t be wrong can they?
That’s a lot of energy. Speaking of energy, let’s discuss the following hypothesis. Continue reading
Big Red Car here. Nice day in the ATX. Lousy day in the Ukraine made a bit lousier by the inability to deal with Vladimir Putin — the Russian Bear.
Charlie Rose had an interesting interview with several former US Secretaries of State including Henry Kissinger. Continue reading
Big Red Car here. Brrrr, it’s cold here in Austin. Not “Hell froze over cold”. Not even Chicago cold. But cold for us Texas hot house tomatoes.
It’s 35F but it feels like 30F. We are such weenies in Texas. [STFU, Big Red Car, no we are not.]
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