
Writing = Discipline

Writing = discipline, Big Red Car? Tell me more.

Big Red Car here on a lovely Monday morning, waiting for the painters to show up. House getting painted, not the Big Red Car. Alas.

So, The Boss is doing some writing. He’s been a writer for a long time, but now he’s out of the closet. Had a few things published and is working hard.

Learned it takes about five years to find one’s voice and to find a focus which is worthy of one’s talent. You have to become a story teller.

JLM Storyteller hand lettered logo

But, here’s the big thing — writing requires discipline and there is both art and science to it.

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Wisdom of the Campfire

Big Red Car here in secret telling mode. Guy sends a hateful email to The Boss saying, “Why can’t I get on the Wisdom of the Campfire website?” Pushy sort of human.

So, Big Red Car tells him, “It’s a fiction. That’s the name The Boss uses for his CEO coaching gig. Doesn’t have anything to do with you.”

“But, there’s a domain and y’all control it. Are you hiding something?”

“No,” sayeth the Big Red Car. “Nothing to hide.”

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Waffle House Wisdom

There is a brand of wisdom that is only found early in the morning at Waffle House. It’s called Waffle House Wisdom. If you don’t recognize that name it is because you may never have eaten at a Waffle House or you are a thin skinned Tesla liberal (the heir apparent to the limousine liberal in the Internet Age) or you are just stupid.

It is impolite to suggest people are stupid but there is enormous evidence to the contrary and a Big Red Car doesn’t like to ignore evidence. You don’t, right? Continue reading


The Design of Compensation Packages for C Level Execs and Senior Management — Instant Replay


Big Red Car here.  The Boss and I had a nice long ride today.  It was a bit cloudy but warm.  I love a good ride through a warm afternoon. Continue reading


Discipline — Blind Spots

Big Red Car here.  Going to be a great day in the ATX.  Nice cold, crisp, sunny day.

So you probably watched a bit of college football yesterday, no?  The Boss loves college football and is often mumbling that college football is very much like the startup business.  [I think he’s just trying to justify how damn much college football he’s been watching lately.  Bowl games, yeah!]

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Entrepreneurial Panic

Big Red Car here.  Another day in paradise where the summer extends until, say, well — it never really ends except for our 5-day winters.  On Earth as it is in Texas!

So The Boss is reading about a discussion of “entrepreneurial panic” and had a few thoughts he shared with one of his brilliant CEO clients.  I listened in and here is what they talked about.

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The character traits and skills of the successful CEO — LEARNING FROM FAILURE

Big Red Car here.  Been a nice run of warm, sunny and delightful convertible weather.  OK, when the mercury flirts with 100F only mad dogs and Englishmen are out and about in that deadly sun but those cool mornings and those sultry evenings.  Ahh, on Earth as it is in Texas.

So The Boss is thinking about what makes a CEO successful and I, the Big Red Car, have been eavesdropping on him just a bit.  [Shhh, don’t tell The Boss what I have been doing.  Haha, the devilish and scheming Big Red Car.]  So let’s talk about learning from failure.

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