
Putting the Lame in Lame Duck

Big Red Car here.  I’m sure that you’re tired of hearing the Big Red Car tell you how great things are here in the ATX. Nice warm sunny weather day after day in July.  Ahhh, on Earth as it is in Texas!

So The Boss is paying close attention the President’s new “economic offensive”.  It is easy to see why many folks find it to be offensive.  It is old wine in not very new bottles.

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Sequestration, Entitlement Reform, Debt Ceiling and Other Fables

Big Red Car here.  Another beautiful Wednesday in the ATX.  We’ll be topping 100F today but, hey, it’s July remember?  [Haha, Big Red Car, the folks do not need to be reminded it’s July in Texas.  They can feel it.]  The real world is a very nice world and a substantial number of folks like you actually live in the real world.

Speaking of the real world, The Boss was chatting with a pal who reminded him of the threats and promises of sequestration and entitlement reform and the impending debt ceiling. Continue reading


Size Matters

Big Red Car here.  Nice cooooooooooooooool night but WTF about this humidity?  Almost 80% — that’s like freakin’ Houston.  Houston, we’ve got a problem!  Haha, Big Red Car, you are starting early today.  Cut the crap, Big Red Car and get on with today’s story.

So the house sitter runs the snot out of the Big Red Car last night but almost forgets to fill me up with gas — petrol to you Brits.  The kid forgets to gas me up.  The Boss is going to hear about this, you can bet on it.  I limp into the gas station and finally get filled up after the kid finally finds my gas tank behind the license plate.  Where do they get these kids from?

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