
IQ v I Will — Tale For the Ages

IQ v I WILL, really, Big Red?

Big Red Car here on a bluebird Colorado day in Steamboat Springs (channeling the experience with the Samsung Tablet) with a nice snowfall and some nicely groomed skiing.

So I’m thinking about two of The Boss’s CEO pals. Very different guys.

One is someone The Boss thinks of as being, perhaps, the smartest human he has ever met.

The other is a plodder — Big Red Car’s opinion, not The Boss — and is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Who gets the better outcomes?

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Storytelling for Entrepreneurs

Storytelling or a 4th of July hot dog, Big Red Car, which one?

Big Red Car here with a hankering for a 4th of July hot dog. You?

So, today, we talk about how entrepreneurs makes presentations — storytelling.

Unless you have been living under a rock [the Big Red Car is not judging y’all, it’s hot out there and living under a rock may be the right play], you have been hearing how the entrepreneurial world has discovered storytelling. Yawn! Sorry.

So, the other day The Boss is checking out a presentation on his favorite blog and the content was fabulous but the presentation — the storytelling — not so much.

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Lobsters, China, International Trade, Entrepreneurs, Maine Lobster Hustle

Lobsters? Really, Big Red Car, lobsters?

Big Red Car here. Bit dark and rainy in the ATX today but it is almost Memorial Day when we get our torrential floods.

Today, we talk about lobsters. OK, lobsters are your friend and if you go to Red Lobster, you know what I mean. [Pro tip: Go hungry. Go early. Go big. Eat the cheese biscuits but don’t get too full on them.]

Lobster pic 1

Hello, I am a Maine lobster. I am headed to Red Lobster. See you there?

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The Struggle — Talent & Character

Big Red Car here, y’all. Well, it’s winter here in the ATX.

Of course that means it’s 39F right now but it’ll be 62F this afternoon. Oh, well, it’s still winter. Sunny, too.

So, The Boss is talking to a couple of his brilliant CEOs and they get on the subject of “The Struggle.”

Sayeth The Boss, “The essence of starting a new business is The Struggle.”

So, the Big Red Car is going to ‘splain it to y’all. Listen up and pay attention cause I’m going to go fast today. Continue reading


Founders, Co-founders, Sub-founders

Big Red Car here on a wintry but sunny to be day in the ATX. Little before dawn in that quiet moment when the wind is blowing and the house is creeping and The Boss is typing.

It is 50F headed to a high of 52F. Brrrr, Big Red Car, winter is here.

Haha, winter in the ATX is 52F and sunny. Sorry.

So, The Boss has been hearing a lot of chatter about founders and how they are going to work with co-founders. Today the Big Red Car invents a new category of founder, the sub-founder.

Read on, dear readers. Continue reading


Inevitability — The Final Four

Big Red Car here in the glorious ATX where it is the best time of the year because of the azaleas, the weather, the bluebonnets and the Final Four.

Inevitability anyone?

In all of this is a lesson for entrepreneurs struggling with their startup businesses — an excellent lesson. A lesson of hope.

As an aside — Easter? Happy Easter! Talk about a lesson of hope, y’all? Easter is the big one — the triumph of life, love, redemption over sin. Wow! Continue reading


Entrepreneur Addiction

Big Red Car here. Please accept my apology for being MIA for the last two weeks. No excuse. To those who sent the death threats, I looked up your TCP/IP addresses and I will be coming to see you shortly.

No weather report today but the azaleas are in full bloom. Wow!

So The Boss is talking to a couple of his favorite CEOs and they get on the subject of addiction.

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