
The List of Horribles

Big Red Car here on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

It is in the high 40’s here in the ATX as we write this morning but it’s going to be 70F and partly cloudy this afternoon. This is what winter is supposed to be like, y’all.

So The Boss has been talking to five specific CEOs who have all uttered the same words, “Things are going suspiciously well.”

What a problem to have. Continue reading


What are the characteristics and skills of the successful CEO?

Here are some blog posts which focus on the issue of the character traits and skills of the successful CEO.  Enjoy.

These are all hyperlinks. Click on them.

The Character Traits and Skills of the Successful CEO — Discipline

The Character Traits and Skills of the Successful CEO — Learning from failure

The Character Traits and Skills of the Successful CEO — Planning

The Character Traits and Skills of the Successful CEO — Organization

The Character Traits and Skills of the Successful CEO — Decisionmaking

The Character Traits and Skills of the Successful CEO — Communications

The Character Traits and Skills of the Successful CEO — Discipline

The Character Traits and Skills of the Successful CEO — Closing

The Character Traits and Skills of the Successful CEO — Experimentation

The Character Traits and Skills of the Successful CEO — Brainstorming

Read them all and there will be a test on Tuesday. If Notre Dame wins, the test will be on Friday.


“I Am a First Time CEO”

Big Red Car here enjoying the lovely, sunny, warm ATX yet once again.

So, I’m talking to four different founder/CEOs and one of the says, “I’m a first time CEO.”

To which the Big Red Car responds, “And so?”

“So, I really don’t know what I am doing,” sayeth the first time CEO.

To which replies the Big Red Car, “So what?” Continue reading


CEO Leadership — Taking Power

Big Red Car here in the fabulous ATX. On Earth as it is in Texas, y’all!

So The Boss is talking to one of his brilliant CEOs and they get on the issue of what powers a CEO has and where they are derived from.

It is an interesting chat because the CEO is a new CEO and is feeling his way along a familiar path that The Boss has seen many times before.

You do not “receive” power, you “take” power. [OK, that’s it for today, folks. Take the rest of the day off. Haha, Big Red Car, you’re a jokester.] Continue reading


CEO Coaching — Firing a Client

Big Red Car here. The summer has settled in and it is a nice hot one, y’all. I took a nice ride yesterday and it was steamy. I just got a new set of tires and I was cruising.

So The Boss was talking to me about the CEO coaching business. He gets a lot of calls and he has had some clients for almost three years now.

Not long ago, he fired a client. What? Firing a client? Continue reading