Taking No For An Answer?
Big Red Car here. Ahh, another very cool day in a very cool place. On Earth as it is in Texas, ya’ll. Don’t fight the feeling.
So The Boss had a funny experience yesterday. Continue reading
Big Red Car here. Ahh, another very cool day in a very cool place. On Earth as it is in Texas, ya’ll. Don’t fight the feeling.
So The Boss had a funny experience yesterday. Continue reading
On 9 May 2014, Russia celebrates its victory over Germany in the Second World War. It is a very important Russian victory celebration.
President Vladimir Putin will be celebrating in the Crimea thereby closing the loop as to who owns Crimea. Continue reading
Big Red Car here. Going to be another beauty in the ATX. Why haven’t you moved here yet?
So The Boss is working with several of his brilliant CEOs. They really are brilliant. Continue reading
Big Red Car here. Hope you are feeling Mother Nature’s love this morning. MN is blessing the ATX with yet another beautiful day.
Stop procrastinating, move to the ATX. Continue reading
Big Red Car here. OK, you know you need to move to Austin. Whew, got that out of the way.
Let’s discuss the dynamics of location in the startup world. Continue reading
Big Red Car here. Ahhhh, the ATX, baby. It is only lacking one thing, YOU. The Big Red Car has your welcome packet. Let’s do what you know needs to be done. Pack your bags and get on down here. Now.
So The Boss is speaking to one of his pals and they get on the subject of all things, gravitas. [I know you were talking gravitas just yesterday yourself. Right?] Continue reading
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