
Numbers Don’t Lie

Numbers don’t lie, Big Red Car? What does that mean?

It means that the recent election has a message that everyone is ignoring and has left uninvestigated.

Well, here it is.

The third party candidates determined the winner in a few very important states — the ones nobody thought President Donald J Trump would win; the ones that everyone thought were a two hand dunk shot for Hillary R Clinton.

Let us reason together, y’all.

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Safety Pins, Safe Places

Safety pins, Big Red Car? Really?

Big Red Car here on a sunny Texas day. Ahhh, On Earth As It Is In Texas!

So, the thin skinned liberal elite have taken to wearing safety pins on their lapels to protest the outcome of the recent election. The Big Red Car had heard but not seen this yet.

The Boss returns from an undercover mission to NYC and confirms that people are wearing safety pins on their lapels to indicate their need for a “safe place” from the storm that is President-elect Donald J Trump.

These are, of course, the same type of pins that were used to cinch up a baby’s cloth diaper back in the day.

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Trump-Romney Interview, Exclusive Transcript

Trump-Romney interview? How did you get the transcript, Big Red Car?

OK, so the Big Red Car has magical powers and can sometimes channel stuff that others can’t. This past weekend, the Big Red Car tapped into the smoke detector system in Bedminister, NJ at the Trump Global Golf Course and listened in on President Trump’s convo with Mitt Romney.

What the Big Red Car knows, y’all know, eventually.

Here it is.

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Fundraising, Trump Campaign — Lean, Nimble, Agile

Fundraising, Big Red Car? Really?

Big Red Car here on a glorious crisp day in the ATX — On Earth as it is in Texas, y’all!

[Somebody emailed me and told me that was an obnoxious way to open a blog post, so this one is for you, pal. You know who you are and I love you all the same. Get over your whiny, thin-skinned, defeated-liberal self and NO the popular vote is not the “thing.” Sheesh! Pay up on your bet, you deadbeat.]

Can a businessman run a more cost effective campaign than a politician?

The numbers are in and it appears to be the truth.

Let’s dig into the numbers — this is intended as a lesson for CEOs, not a political commentary.

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Trump, The Election, Some Thoughts

Trump. President-elect Trump.

The election is over. Long live the election. Now, the winner gets down to the serious business of forming a government and beginning to convert campaign promises into plans and policies and then laws. Then, they have to govern and react to the world at large.

Already, President-elect Trump has met with the leader of the Senate and the Speaker of the House. He has met with the President.

When you know how to build 100-story skyscrapers, you learn to make timely and critical decisions.

The President-elect has enunciated a plan for his first hundred days. You can see it here: THE FIRST HUNDRED DAYS <<< hyperlink, click on it

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Trump, Anger and the Rust Belt

Trump won the Rust Belt, huh?

Big Red Car here on a day in which I am still feeling the glow of our new President-elect Donald J Trump. I voted for him though I admit it was by the process of elimination in that the other candidate was not a possibility.

I was not amazed that he won. For months, I have been saying that everybody has missed the anger which was demonstrated by the Republican sweep of the 2014 mid-term elections. It did not go away but it did fester.

America, in 2014, was so angry they gave the Republicans the Senate, a larger majority in the House, many Governors’ mansions, and many statehouses. It was the largest repudiation of a sitting President and his party since the 1920s.

President Obama chose to ignore it, instead whipping out his pen and cell phone resulting in a great number of Executive Orders which are slowly being dismantled by the courts and which will be put in their grave by the Trump administration (first time I have used those words together).

So, how, Big Red Car, did President-elect Trump pull this surprise off?

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