
Putin To Reopen McVlad Burgers

I have predicted for some time that Putin will seize gobs of property from any foreign firm that closes down its Russian operations. It has begun.

In a civilized country, that would entail some property rights issues, copyright issues, trademarks, proprietary information, permits, and licenses.

Russia, firmly established by its conduct both home and abroad, is not a civilized country. It is a medieval, Dark Ages fiefdom run by a little mad man who kills babies, children, women, and old persons with horrific weapons because they longed to be free and turned to Europe rather than his enslaved thugocracy.

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Putin Eats At McDonalds No More

OK, Putin doesn’t really eat at McDonalds. I made that up. Fake news.

If he did, I’d pray to the Holy Ghost for him to choke on a chicken nugget and for nobody to know how to deploy the Heimlich Maneuver.

The Holy Ghost will take sides and directly smote evil doers whilst God the Father and Jesus like to stay above the fray. Continue reading


The Battle of Grozny = The Siege of Kyiv

We know with certainty what Putin and the Russians will do to Ukraine from here on out as we have the exemplar of Grozny during the First and Second Chechen Wars.

Grozny was named the “most destroyed city in the world” after the bloodthirsty Russian army finished with it the second time around.

Chechnya is a small country with slightly more than 1MM people. Ukraine has 44MM people.

The First Battle of Grozny

Grozny, capital of Chechnya, had been savaged by the Russians under Russian President Boris Yeltsin during the First Chechen War when the Russians conducted a siege from December 1994 until March 1995. This was the beginning of the First Chechen War.

The Chechens were a tough bunch and held out for a long time being rewarded with the largest aerial, missile, and artillery bombardment since World War II. Continue reading


Words That Need To Be Said — Ukraine No Fly Zone

I had a dream. In it, President Biden was younger, more with it, leaned forward in his saddle, and spoke with conviction.

Our Pentagon was led by men who did not spend their time on white rage and funding transgender sex change operations. They knew their job was to project lethality, to win wars, and to vanquish evil.

We were again the America of George Washington, George Marshall, and we were the beacon of hope, the Arsenal of Democracy, the last, best hope of mankind, and we were the decent people who we are and we stood for and defended freedom wherever it took root. We were prudent, but unafraid because we knew our cause was just and right.

We were the good guys and we were unafraid of that burden. Continue reading


Crypto Goes To War

The brutal, savage, unprovoked invasion of peaceful Ukraine by the barbaric, uncivilized Russians has given rise to a laboratory experiment in the role of crypto currency in contentious times. Crypto has gone to war.

 1. The Ukes are using crypto to fund their defense.

 2. The Russians are using crypto to avoid the sting of economic sanctions that have their entire banking system — entire economy really — on the ropes.

 3. The crypto exchanges, upon being asked to freeze all Russian accounts, have refused to comply — Coinbase, Kraken, Binance.

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Medieval Times and Thermobaric Bombs

I woke early this morning after a good night’s sleep and the first thing that hit me was that in Ukraine nobody got a good rest last night because Russia and Putin are bombing modern cities with horrific weapons including artillery, precision missiles, and thermobaric bombs.

Russian multi-tube missile delivery system for thermobaric bombs.

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Economic Fortress Putin — The Other Front

Putin has been planning on invading Ukraine and rekindling the glorious Russian Empire of old for more than 20 years. All one had to do was to listen to his speeches.

This guy right here, this beady eyed thug.

When Putin seized Crimea (Sudetenland analogies, please), he began to build massive currency reserves to weather what he knew was coming — economic sanctions. Right now, he is sitting on more than $600,000,000,000 in reserves which would normally be enough for two years of survival. Continue reading


Why Does Putin Lust After Ukraine?

Chap asks me, “Why do you think Putin lusts after Ukraine?”

So, I do some research and here is what I come up with.

Ukrainian land mass and location

Ukraine is an enormous land mass and its addition to the Russian Putin Empire would be an gigantic coup in terms of land mass and pushing the Russian boundary westward thereby foiling the eastward march of NATO and exposing American weakness.

The country possesses huge mineral and energy reserves, agricultural, and industrial power.

Ukraine overlaid on Europe

Ukrainian mineral wealth

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