
The Value of Failure

Big Red Car here waiting for The Boss who is arriving back today from skiing. The wild running late with the housesitter good life is ………………………….. over.

So, I was talking with a couple of CEO cars and we got on the subject of the value of failure in long term success. One of them recited the famous Rudyard Kipling poem IF and was singing its praises as a frame of reference for entrepreneurs and, of all things, politicians. She, hot little 1984 Mercedes convertible with great headlights, said this is the money passage:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;

    If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

    And treat those two impostors just the same;


Barack Obama (professor, speechifyer) ===== Ted Cruz (preacher, debater)

Big Red Car here in the rainy ATX waiting on the 85F – 90F come Sunday and Monday.

So, the Big Red Car has an odd admission to make — the Big Red Car has always liked listening to Barack Obama’s speeches. Yes, dear reader, even when they’re bat shit crazy, the Big Red Car has loved the craft of the BHO’s speechifying.

Weaned the Big Red Car is on the content which is totally meaningless.

The Big Red Car also used to like the debate style speeches of Ted Cruz but, alas, that is over.

Now, both President Barack Obama and Senator Ted Cruz are tedious and painful to listen to but, ahhhh, once upon a time.

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Free Range Trump — On Earned Media

Big Red Car here, getting tired of all things election but wanting to note one very interesting thing that happened last night.

Sure, Trump won Michigan, Mississippi, and Hawaii — not that, y’all. That’s not the big story.

The freakin’ big cable news outlets allowed Donald Trump to go “Free Range Trump” on a 45-minute infomercial on Trump the Candidate, Trump Meat (not quite the same thing as Trump the Candidate but close), Trump Water, Trump Wild Wings, Trump Toothpaste, Trump Condoms (XXXXL available), and Trump Wines.

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Ted Cruz, Outsider? Member GOPe?

Big Red Car here while The Boss is skiing. Apparently, it’s even snowing in Steamboat.

So while I have had some time on my hands, I’ve been studying this notion of folks being “outsiders” as that appears to be a desirable trait.

Right alongside it is the notion that a person may or may not be a member of the GOPe — the Republican establishment.

Then, there’s the issue of whether someone is a conservative and what is necessary to earn that title.

I have to tell you it makes a Big Red Car tired to just try to figure it out — outsider, GOPe, conservative?

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When Mottoes Compete

Big Red Car here while The Boss is skiing again. I wonder if he is following the election? What do you think?

So the Big Red Car is wondering something — what were the mottoes of the last few presidential candidates?

The Big Red Car remembers “Hope & Change” — meant nothing but worked like a champ putting Barack Obama in the White House while the entire world wondered: “WTF does that mean?”

Doesn’t matter. He won. The motto won and is enshrined in history forever.

The Big Red Car recalls “Make America Great Again” but the big question is this: what are the other competing mottoes out there?

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Mitt Romney — the Most Dangerous Republican

Mitt Romney unloaded on the presumptive nominee, Donald Trump, the other day in a manner which savages the chances of the Republicans winning the White House.

Not content with having lost the 2012 election, he is now trying to duplicate that feat in 2016.

Let’s honest here — every utterance that Mitt made could have come from the tongue of Hillary Clinton. No?

Who is this Mitt Romney anyway and why is he so angry?

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Trump Romney — Best Friends Forever?

Big Red Car here, y’all. One of the most pathetic political displays in the history of the United States is available for your viewing pleasure — the juxtaposition of Mitt Romney’s comments when he sought the endorsement of Donald Trump in 2012 and today’s speech. The hypocrisy is incredible.

Trump Romney — best friends forever? You decide.

The GOPe has panicked and Mitt Romney has undertaken to bring their soiled linen to the public.

While Donald Trump must answer for his own life and performance, it is not Mitt Romney’s job to criticize the Republican front runner. Not if he is an adherent to the catechism of Ronald Reagan’s 11th Commandment.

This is perfidy at its ultimate.

Shame on you, Mitt. This makes me sick. Watch both videos and let me know what you think of Mitt Romney? Continue reading


Let’s Cut the Crap About — Tax Returns and Teddy the Cruz

Big Red Car here in the ATX. The Boss is back from Mexico and he is sunburned to a crisp. [Boss, sunscreen even for you.]

So, the Big Red Car was watching the Sunday morning talk shows in anticipation of Super Tuesday.

There was a lot of chatter about tax returns. Tax returns and Mafia connections. The Big Red Car wants to mansplain it to y’all. Continue reading