
The Character Traits and Skills of the Successful CEO — Discipline

Big Red Car here.  I guess you’re getting tired of hearing about the warm, sunny weather here in the ATX.  It is July, ya’ll, and it is typical for these times.  Today will be another beautiful day in paradise.  On Earth as it is in Texas!

So The Boss is talking to one of his CEOs and the CEO says:  “Hey, I’ve got a situation which calls for a bit of discipline.  Any advice?”

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The Character Traits and Skills of the Successful CEO — Organization

Big Red Car here.  Another great day in the ATX and why not?  So we’ve been chatting about what makes a successful CEO, those critical character traits and skills that seem to be possessed by those rare beasties.  Things that others can emulate and copy on their way to success.  [Hey, “monkey see” “monkey do” is a legitimate personal growth strategy, haha, Big Red Car.]

One of those elements of success at the CEO level is the ability to organize things in an orderly manner and to harness the clarity of that organization to provide insights as to how to proceed — how to take the next step.  In many ways, organization is the prelude to preparation.  Preparation is prelude to action.

Organize, prepare, act — hmmm, sounds similar to crawl, walk, run.  They are related, Old Sport.  Oh, yes, they are.

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