
WTF — What The Frack? Oil Prices 12 Year Low

Big Red Car here in the crisp, sunny, loveliness that is the ATX — on Earth as it is in Texas, y’all!

Right to it. Oil prices, twelve year low.

The Big Red Car has been beating the drum about oil prices for almost six months –“Going to $30/barrel and will touch $20/barrel on the way. Biggest tax cut in American history.”

If the Big Red Car had a neck, it would be stretched way out there, y’all.

Oil hit a twelve year low yesterday and is headed lower still. Continue reading


Big Red Car, Who Wins the National Championship?

Big Red Car here fielding questions like the one above. It is a burden knowing the stuff the Big Red Car knows.

Here it is, y’all.

The Tide rolls. The Tide rolls big time beating Clemson University like a rented mule. Rented mules everywhere say, “Yep. I can feel your pain.”

Tide rolls and wins by 21 points making it look surprisingly easy. Roll Tide!

Nick Saban smiles for 11 minutes and 14 seconds whereafter he starts recruiting for next year.

The University of Texas tries to hire him and he says, “If you rename Austin after me, I’ll consider it.”

The University Texas approaches the legislature who say, “No way!”

The City of Austin renames Lady Bird Johnson Lake —– wait on it —– “Nickie Bird Saban Lake” to which Nick Satan responds, “Not good enough.”

But, hey, what the Hell do I really know anyway? I’m just a Big Red Car. Roll Tide!


Show Time v Go Time

Big Red Car here. Brrrrrr, winter in the ATX is cold, y’all. It is 33F headed to 54F. This is winter. Of course, it’s going to be sunny because it is Texas after all.

So The Boss is talking to a couple of brilliant CEO entrepreneurs and he says to one of them, “You have to know when show time becomes go time.”

The CEO, who is brilliant, says, “What does that mean?”

The Boss ‘mansplains it to him. If you are around The Boss for any length of time, you will hear him say, “Get in the moment. Stay in the moment. Make something happen. Now.” Continue reading


Teams, Subteams, Relationships — For CEOs Only

Big Red Car here. Brrrr, it was cold yesterday. It is a single digit above freezing here in the ATX — what is going on, Mothah Nature?

OK, this is winter. Going to be 52F today and sunny but still, 33F on a Sunday morning? Don’t panic, Big Red Car, you can do this. Bit of brie with that whine?

So, The Boss is on a rant with a couple of CEOs who are talking up “team building.” Boring! Boring! [Big Red Car, shut up, please. Sorry.]

So what’s all the chatter about? Let me mansplain it to y’all, may I? Mothah Nature, may I? Continue reading


Do Not Screw With the US Marine Corps — Marines — Good Advice for Enemies and Friendlies, No?

Big Red Car here. Well, the day has dawned and it is bright, sunny, and cold. Still flirting with 52F as a high. This is winter!

On Earth as it is in Texas. Winter good in the ATX.

So, the Navy Secretary, one Ray Mabus, has sent a scolding memorandum to the United States Marine Corps,the Marines, telling them to get with integrating women into the Marine combat arms including specifically the infantry.

The policy decision was made on 3 December 2015 but already the Sec Navy is in the “scolding” mode. Huh?

Mabus is a former Democratic Governor of Mississippi and has been a loyal Obama acolyte since his 2009 appointment as Navy Secretary. The Marines, of course, fall under the Navy in the Pentagon.

He also served as Bill Clinton’s Ambassador to Saudi Arabia. Continue reading


Founders, Co-founders, Sub-founders

Big Red Car here on a wintry but sunny to be day in the ATX. Little before dawn in that quiet moment when the wind is blowing and the house is creeping and The Boss is typing.

It is 50F headed to a high of 52F. Brrrr, Big Red Car, winter is here.

Haha, winter in the ATX is 52F and sunny. Sorry.

So, The Boss has been hearing a lot of chatter about founders and how they are going to work with co-founders. Today the Big Red Car invents a new category of founder, the sub-founder.

Read on, dear readers. Continue reading


“If You Like Your Guns, You Can Keep Your Guns” — Said President Obama NEVER

Big Red Car here. Going to be 70F and it’s foggy this morning. Foggy! Sort of like the debate about guns?

So, the President has gone full court press on gun control. Yawn!

Big speech replete with emoticons and crying. Town hall with Anderson Cooper and hand picked audience with pre-approved questions. Democracy in action! Well, a certain bastardized form of democracy.

People forget that the President himself is a big shooting enthusiast, right? Here he is “doing skeet”! Stud! [Am I the only one who wants to scream, “Get that butt down into your shoulder, Mr. President!”

The President said, “If you like your guns, you can keep your guns.” OK, that’s not true. But, hey, he could have said it. Remember what he said when he was selling Obamacare? Continue reading


Chipotle — Don’t Shoot the Guac!

Big Red Car here on what is going to be a lovely, sunny 75F day with a splash of fog. Fog? Yes, fog!

So, the Big Red Car likes Chipotle but, apparently, Chipotle doesn’t like the Big Red Car as it is trying to poison it.

This is hyperbole and fancy, of course, since Chipotle does not actually provide food to 1966 Chevy Impala convertibles. Big Red Cars prefer 10W40. Continue reading