
Front Line Report SXSW

Big Red Car here reporting on SXSW from the front lines in ATX.  First, yes, the weather here today was gorgeous:  85F, clear skies, light winds, SUNSCREEN, ya’ll!

So the Big Red Car received some questions from the 250,000 hipsters, geeks and nerds roaming Austin as part of SXSW. Continue reading


Time for a little crepe murder?

Big Red Car here.  SXSW is all abloom.  It is a wonderful time here in the ATX.  It’s about 57F headed to 75F today.  We keep the best weather for SXSW and the nerds and hipsters.  All 250K of them.  Welcome, ya’ll.

Spring, yes it’s already spring in Texas, is a special time when we glory in our weather and talk smack to those up north still dealing with snow. Continue reading


The Journey to Today in the Ukraine

Big Red Car here.  Well, I got The Boss to return to the ATX.  The old boy had enough of Sun Valley and Steamboat Springs and spring skiing.  Back to the ATX in time for SXSW and 300 people in line for cabs at the airport.  Never saw so many nerds in my life.

The mess in the Ukraine is not over and the potential for the Ukrainian military to brush up against the Russians continues to heighten with each passing day. Continue reading


The Russian Bear is a Punk

Big Red Car here.  Nothing to do today so I did a bit of research on the Russian military.  Back in the day of the USSR, The Boss had an assignment to take a look at some forward deployed Russian Army units in Germany.  They had this crazy tour of East Berlin limited to officers who were paratroopers or Rangers and who were taller than 6’3″.  They visited the areas of East Berlin that the Russians had not rehabilitated.

They also met with similar aged Russian officers.  It was a staring contest.  The Boss was not impressed with the Russian company grade officers though they could really drink vodka.

So, how does the Russian Army stack up as a military force? Continue reading