
“I Am a First Time CEO”

Big Red Car here enjoying the lovely, sunny, warm ATX yet once again.

So, I’m talking to four different founder/CEOs and one of the says, “I’m a first time CEO.”

To which the Big Red Car responds, “And so?”

“So, I really don’t know what I am doing,” sayeth the first time CEO.

To which replies the Big Red Car, “So what?” Continue reading


Leadership & Management — One More Time!

Big Red Car here. Ahh, you know the shtick by now — On Earth as it is in Texas!

Every so often, we find ourselves being drawn into a discussion that is endless.

One such discussion is the ramifications of leadership and management for the startup and small business. It is a continuous discussion.

Note that the Big Red Car did not say leadership “versus” management because they are not in a contest with each other. Continue reading


Achieving Work Life Balance in a Startup, You CAN Do It

Big Red Car here.  Crisp cool morning in the ATX.  It’s 45F looking for 75F later today.  Ahh, on Earth as it is in Texas, ya’ll.  Perhaps in Heaven as it is in Texas?

So, The Boss is talking to one of his brilliant CEOs and the CEO laments the difficulty of achieving balance in his life and work.  It is a common refrain and The Boss has heard it before and will hear it again, I am sure.  This is not a unique problem.

Continue reading