
Bullshitters v Doers

I have been traveling to see Baby Tempe for a few days so I have been MIA. When I travel, it gives me a good chance to think. One of the reasons I adore road trips.

Here is Baby T working the marketing end of her mother’s hot startup Weezie Towels. You will want to get over to www.weezietowels.com when you can.

It is hard to be an effective marketer when you can’t speak yet. But, she’s on the case.

So, here’s something I have been thinking about for a long time, but have never really articulated in an intelligible way — the world is filled to overflowing with bullshitters, but has only a handful of real doers.

I am going to peg the comparative percentages at 98% bullshitters and 2% doers. A pal put it at 99% v 1%, but he was always a hard grader.

Before you condemn the coarseness of my observation, let me say there is nothing inherently bad or evil about being a bullshitter, as long as you know it and make way for the doers who are ultimately going to solve the problems.

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Point of View — Entrepreneurs v Funders

Big Red Car here on a sunny SXSW Tuesday in the ATX. On Earth as it is in Texas. No sign of snow, but it’s early.

So, the world is divided into three basic camps:

 1. Entrepreneurs and founders — consumers of capital

 2. Funders of all kinds — angel investors, venture capitalists, friends & family

 3. Ballerinas & poets — folks who are not in the startup world and are gloriously happier in their ignorance of it

Each understandably has a unique point of view depending which role they undertake. Forget about the ballerinas & poets for this discussion.

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Storytelling for Entrepreneurs

Storytelling or a 4th of July hot dog, Big Red Car, which one?

Big Red Car here with a hankering for a 4th of July hot dog. You?

So, today, we talk about how entrepreneurs makes presentations — storytelling.

Unless you have been living under a rock [the Big Red Car is not judging y’all, it’s hot out there and living under a rock may be the right play], you have been hearing how the entrepreneurial world has discovered storytelling. Yawn! Sorry.

So, the other day The Boss is checking out a presentation on his favorite blog and the content was fabulous but the presentation — the storytelling — not so much.

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Big Red Car here.  Ahhhh, the ATX, baby.  It is only lacking one thing, YOU.  The Big Red Car has your welcome packet.  Let’s do what you know needs to be done.  Pack your bags and get on down here. Now.

So The Boss is speaking to one of his pals and they get on the subject of all things, gravitas.  [I know you  were talking gravitas just yesterday yourself.  Right?] Continue reading


The Design of Compensation Packages for C Level Execs and Senior Management — Instant Replay


Big Red Car here.  The Boss and I had a nice long ride today.  It was a bit cloudy but warm.  I love a good ride through a warm afternoon. Continue reading