
Sequestration, Entitlement Reform, Debt Ceiling and Other Fables

Big Red Car here.  Another beautiful Wednesday in the ATX.  We’ll be topping 100F today but, hey, it’s July remember?  [Haha, Big Red Car, the folks do not need to be reminded it’s July in Texas.  They can feel it.]  The real world is a very nice world and a substantial number of folks like you actually live in the real world.

Speaking of the real world, The Boss was chatting with a pal who reminded him of the threats and promises of sequestration and entitlement reform and the impending debt ceiling. Continue reading


Serious Leadership, Real Entitlement Reform

Big Red Car here.  Raining in Austin and I don’t like that because I feel like a New Years Day run out to and through the Hill Country is something I need.  Something I want.

Something I am entitled to.  Speaking of entitlements, I heard The Boss pontificating on entitlements recently and here is what he had to say.

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