
Founder Compensation

Big Red Car here in the ATX — bit chilly today, gray and forebooding. Dum de dum dum, y’all! Like a scary movie soundtrack.

So The Boss gets talking to four of his brilliant CEO clients, all founders of their companies. Out of the cradle but not quite threatening the NYSE just yet. Still successful enterprises and persons.

The topic is the compensation of founders during those fragile days when the company is running primarily on the nutritional value of Ramen noodles, Mountain Dew and  coffee. Continue reading


The Design of Compensation Packages for C Level Execs and Senior Management — Instant Replay


Big Red Car here.  The Boss and I had a nice long ride today.  It was a bit cloudy but warm.  I love a good ride through a warm afternoon. Continue reading


C Level Agreement — Compensation, Something Special

Big Red Car here.  Oh, just another great, sunny, warm day in  the ATX.  Got the assignment to drive down to Old San Antone yesterday unexpectedly.  The Boss had a last minute little crisis he had to deal with and since it was a nice sunny day, we went top down flying along Texas 281 through the edge of the Hill Country.

If you have never taken the “back way” to San Antonio and the Henley Cut, Old Sport, you are in for a treat.  On the way back [we had been at the Dominion Country Club on business out far northwest of town], we took the real back way up to Blanco and, my friend, that is some damn pretty country.  Right in the Hill Country and one of the most historic and scenic parts of Texas.  Old Comanche country.

It was something special and everybody has a bit of sun on their faces today.  Oh, yeah, had an excellent TexMex lunch at Barrio’s on Blanco Road — check it out.

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The C Level Employment Agreement — Change of Control Provision

Big Red Car here.  Nice weather in the ATX and that house sitter has been running the snot out of my here for the last couple of days.  Oh, a Big Red Car, loves to have the snot run out of it.  Eeehaw!

So we need to chat a bit about the implications of change of control in a startup or small company.  Delicate subject to be sure.

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The C Level Employment Agreement — Severance Package

Big Red Car here.  The weather in the ATX could not possibly be or get better.  It is 70F this morning and the sky is clear.  CAVU — ceiling and visibility unlimited.

On Earth as it is in Texas.  [Well, it’s likely going to be inching close to 95F today, so let’s pick our poison carefully.  Haha, Big Red Car, you are a card.]

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The C Level Employment Agreement — Termination

Big Red Car here.  The Boss is traveling and I am left with the house sitter.  Well, the house sitter has been driving the Hell out of the Big Red Car — don’t tell The Boss because he is very particular as to who gets to drive me, the Big Red Car.  Haha, joke is on you, Boss.

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C Level Employment Agreement — Long Term Incentive Compensation

Big Red Car here.  Bit cloudy yesterday but today promises to be clear and hot.  Oh boy!  Just the right weather for a bit of top down driving, eh?

So we have been chatting about the C Level Employment Agreement, breaking it down into its constituent parts and we’ve been chatting about compensation.

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C Level Employment Agreement — Short Term Incentive Compensation

Big Red Car here on a decidedly drippy and wet Saturday morning.  Ugh.  Haha, Big Red Car, get your mind right, you say.  This is late May when we get our beloved rains and our lakes fill up.

Alas, the Big Red Car is a very, very, very self-centered Big Red Car and thinks only about those handful of days in which he cannot run wild with his top down and his hair on fire.  Ahhh, it is great to be a Big Red Car.

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