If you are the CEO of a startup, a small business, or a medium business, you are currently dealing with a unique situation — how do you re-invigorate an enterprise that has been rocked by three distinct issues:
1. COVID19 on a personal, human scale;
2. Externally imposed economic and workplace restrictions and impacts based on COVID19; and,
3. The public backlash from racial issues related to the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis. I will call this last one the Black Lives Matter issue.
These things taken together are likely to have created a negative impact on your company at the individual, granular level and at a business survival level.
There are a few companies who have prospered in the COVID19 environment, but who are still impacted by the BLM impact.
I think that most CEOs would agree that there will be changes, perhaps huge changes, on the other side of these impacts. That is, of course, if y’all survive to emerge on the other side.
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