
The Texas Cryptocurrency Love Affair Blossoms

The Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, a truly great governor, has signed into law something called the Virtual Currency Bill which began life as House Bill 4474 as sponsored by Representative Tan Parker a huge supporter and proponent of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency.

The bill was considered by the Texas House of Representatives’ Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services Committee which revised the bill after extensive hearings and public input into a Committee Substitute Bill which they passed with bipartisan support in the middle of April.

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Bitcoin $30,000, Inviting Increased Regulation?

BBBBBBBBBitcoin has been on a run recently with its quoted price as high as $28,288.84 on 27 December 2020. The total value of all BTC is now flirting with half a trillion USD.

Huge consideration — there will only ever be 21,000,000 BTC. Constrained supply in the face of increasing demand? What does that suggest with an Econ 101 beanie on?

Highest price BTC, 27 Dec 2020 – $28,288.84

Lowest price BTC, 5 July 2013 – $65.53

If you have been into BTC for a long time, you likely have a big smile on your face.

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Bitcoin $2,100 — Prediction 2017

Bitcoin, Big Red Car — I thought you were a huge skeptic as it pertains to bitcoin. What gives?

Big Red Car here in Steamboat Springs where the temperature is a balmy 15F, brrrr! OK, I’m not really there, The Boss is. Me and the house sitter are in the wonderful ATX wherein we are headed for an afternoon of cruising with the top down. It’s going to be sunny and 75F. Haha, I love the ATX, y’all.

So, I was eavesdropping on a convo between The Boss and one of his confidants.

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