Advice Redux — CEOs Only
Big Red Car here working on a few wire taps, wait, no I’m not. I’m getting ready to give y’all some free advice.
We talked about advice a lot in the past few years, but it’s probably alright to update our thinking just a little, why not?
So, CEOs need advice from time to time. Why, you ask? Because a lot of startup CEOs are in their twenties and do not have a deep font of life experience upon which to draw to develop their own thoughts. This is not fatal. This is just being young and being young is good. Most of the time.
Experience is expensive. Renting experience — advice — is cheaper. Plus, you can get someone who’s been a CEO for two or three decades to lend you their advice.
Big takeaway — get advice from someone who has actually been a CEO.
Not your dentist, your shrink, some accountant (unless it’s accounting advice), father-in-law (unless he’s an experienced CEO), not a lawyer (unless it’s legal advice), not a VC (unless it’s pitching or funding advice and even then someone who has been seated n your side of the table may be more helpful) — someone who has been a CEO.