
President Obama — A Pen, A Cell Phone, An Emoticon

Big Red Car here. Going to be a little rainy in the ATX today. 60F and 70% chance of rain. Sigh!

So, did you catch the President’s speech on gun control? If you didn’t, you should. It was spectacular. Oscar worthy spectacular.

Give Barack H Obama one thing — the guy can deliver a speech. Maybe his best speech ever. Powerful, emotional, resounding. Empty.

Now, you cynics will be tempted to say: “But, Big Red Car, that’s all the guy does — speeches. Nothing but speeches. No action, just speeches.”

Shame on you, you cynics. It was a damn good speech. Hush! Continue reading


The Care and Feeding of Tyrants

Big Red Car going political on y’all today.

The Commonwealth of Virginia has on its flag the symbol of a warrior princess with her foot on a fallen king while brandishing a sword and a spear. The naked breast makes it all the more alluring.

It is however, the credo in Latin that catches one’s eye — Sic Semper Tyrannis — “Thus Always to Tyrants.” Sister Felicia would be so happy that The Boss recalled his high school Latin. Continue reading


Taking and Maintaining Control — a Primer for Founders and Other Delicate Persons

Big Red Car here. Another beauty here in paradise. Sorry, it’s only going to be sunny and 60F and cloudy this afternoon. A day not to forget one’s sunscreen.

But, hey, it’s probably nice and warm, sunny where you are also. Right?

[The Big Red Car can be a little obnoxious. Beware.]

So, the issue today is control. Taking control. Maintaining control. Exercising control. Here it goes. Continue reading


2016 Predictions

Big Red Car here on an exquisite ATX bluebird day. OK, it’s only getting to 60F today but, Hell, it’s winter, right?

Haha, ATX — on Earth as it is in Texas, y’all!

So, The Big Red Car is making some predictions for 2016. Here they are. 2016 predictions!

First, the rules — no half assed, politically correct, risk adverse predictions. Big, hairy, brass balled predictions. Only. Continue reading